
simple tips to get your own tile floors spueaky

Like other home surfaces can be very dirty, very fast tile.

And then it may be possible to clean a pain!

If you are sick scrubbing your floors with chemicals, there is a good news.

It's actually you can get your squeaky ceramic floors without hurting your back - be sure to keep regular clean!

Here are some simple tips on how to help clean the floor tiles.

1. Sweep dirt by regularly dust

It is important to regularly remove dust and dirt from its tiled floors. Dust, dirt, sand and gravel can dye dull glazed tiles and hard dirt such as sludge plants, so regular vacuuming, is important. Be careful when using brooms, in particular the blades of straw , which can scratch your tiles. It is best to use a vacuum or broom to dust to get rid of dirt and dust.

2. Soak your bottom with water and vinegar

Sweeping the floor with detergents and chemicals can actually leave a residue that can make your tile look cloudy. Therefore, it is best to try to use a natural cleaner such as vinegar, when mop. Not only vinegar is not - toxic , deodorizes and disinfects as it cleans. Because his white vinegar is acidic, which works very well to solve stubborn stains and grease - and when it is dry, it leaves your house a fresh and natural smell. Try to clean half a cup of vinegar adding hot water full bucket. Moisten well, from the corner of the room and continue through the room, the mop as you go running away. If you want to add flavor to your home, try a few drops of your favorite oils in the mop bucket addition.

3. Rub stubborn stains with baking soda

If you are not yet clean enough your tiles or grout is still dirty, then it is time to stop the degradation of the faithful Soda . Try to remove the dust from the tiles wet with baking soda, then rub with a cloth in order to obtain the patch. It is important that you rubbed clear areas with a damp mop that has been dipped in a mixture of vinegar and water

4. Be sure that the plants dry

Once you have finished cleaning, you should dry the plants themselves. Meanwhile, dry soil naturally, you can sell fresh ground and it will be harder to remove. The best way to dry the tile floor is to use old towels

5. Clean up spills as they occur

If a spill or disorder is left to serve, you can tile stain and make it more difficult to clean. That's why you should clean up as soon as possible spills or disaster. Try to clean spills with an absorbent cloth, using only a disinfectant or cleaning the heaviest damage as animal disorder or raw meat.

How to clean tile floors? How often do you clean?

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