
How to get perfect teeth pearly white: Advice from a celebrity dentist

Pearly whites tend to Uma Thurman and the Olsen twins, it is on the speed dial of the royal family of Dubai and created the oral luxury cosmetics line in the vanity of all cool girls. Dr. Michael Apa is a man with a mission to shine his smile. Vogue tooth doc caught celebrity and asked the secret behind this simple expression of joy.

HABITS and food that can cause dental problems

bad habit
Pressure: If the bite is off and you are nervous, the pressure on chipping, cracking, bone loss, gum disease and eventually tooth loss can. Get tightening to prevent a night watchman and with toothpaste and mouthwash, either hydroxyapatite or fluoride. For tooth sensitivity, potassium nitrate, is found in the pulp as Sensodyne is good.

The wrong ingredients
Sugar / tea / coffee: If there is a high level of sugar in the mouth, either sweet or sugary drinks such as soda, use bacteria to produce sugar acids and begins to break down tooth enamel, causing decay. contain excess coffee and tea caffeine can dry the mouth, so it is important to reduce that to combat consumption and drink plenty of water. In addition eroded acidic foods like citrus melting, so that the teeth decomposition over time more vulnerable.

Dent or fiction
What makes the perfect smile? "One of the biggest misconceptions about smile that people think a nice smile is symmetrical. In any case. Not a big smile asymmetries, light, balance, asymmetry of the face. It is the complete image creates a beautiful smile. "


How to make the most basic ritual

People make not use a sonic toothbrush, an error number when brushing your teeth. Vibration toothbrushes have more attention to sonic cleaning areas between tooth and gum where brush normal manual toothbrush can not reach.

Plate and breaks bacteria between the teeth, preventing tooth decay. Focus will be on either side of a teeth cleaning, and when the cable waxed or unwaxed, it is important to find one that you personally look rather avoid an experience forward.

do the washing up
Use a mouthwash without alcohol. The alcohol dry mouth and mouth should be moist cause to be bacterial decay to prevent.

gum care
Twice a day, use a rubber gel that nourishes healthy gums and regenerated. Try Apa Rose, an antioxidant rich gel on the gums applied after brushing and rinsing, helping to reduce the inflammation and promotes cell regeneration to pink gums.

Seek professional help
Ask to keep your dentist for professional cleaning at least twice a year healthy teeth and gums. And also for anomalies in the bite check.

The gadget you need for Super White Teeth

Apa beauty clean brush sonic toothbrush is known as the Rolls Royce of the known brushes the teeth for a reason, he marries the sweet sound brush for deep cleaning with a stylish white design is an elegant way for you help but smile.

electronic toothbrushes can be hard; of it at a low speed designed to keep intact enamel without sacrificing a complete result. 40,000 sonic vibrations per minute, it comes with soft bristle brush heads designed Bleaching 35 percent more than normal hair spots seeks to eliminate.

many ways
The brush has three unique modes for cleaning, bleaching and massaged -The cleaning mode the default mode for cleaning the upper teeth polishes bleaching and whitening fashion and Massage - mode late for gentle gum stimulation.

The brush impulse to warn every 30 seconds, to move to another part of the mouth and allow two minutes for a full, deep and effective cleaning. The built in battery indicator lead as extended battery needs a boost.

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