
Tips for a flood damaged house cleaning

Louisville, KY (WAVE) - If a flood in your home, water can on the structure of the house and serve the personal and health devastating.

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Cleaning can be a long and difficult process. Flood waters contain many impurities and lots of mud.

First things first: You call an insurance agent. If insurance covers damage you tell an agent to check whether an expert will contact you.

Make a list of the damage and take pictures or videos during the cleaning process.

After the list of Angie and Floodsafety.com favored form of moist, dark areas without air flow. Concentrate to prevent drying mold growth on a home or business. open windows and doors and ventilators designed to blow air outside. You may have to get rid of soaked carpets and upholstery flood. Clean and disinfect all surfaces. To use in the kitchen to a disinfectant on glass, ceramic and porcelain; dry air, not with a towel.

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You will be rid of flood-soaked objects that can not be repaired or disinfected. These include mattresses, carpets, upholstered furniture, cosmetics, stuffed animals, toys, pillows, foam rubber items, books, wall coverings, and most paper products. Remove and discard drywall against floods soaked and isolation.

Photographs, books and important documents can be frozen and cleaned later; to be dried carefully and slowly.

Use to avoid a protective mask breathing mold spores and bring rubber boots. Call a caterer if you need help and are prepared for a long wait.

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