
Local expert weighs on tips to keep clothes clean road salt in winter

MILWAUKEE COUNTY - cause no secret of snow and ice in southern Wisconsin on sidewalks and streets salt, road conditions, wet mud and lots of road salt, which can cause potentially harmful stains clothes and winter clothes favorite.

"It's a world in chaos right now," Keith said Klabunde.

"I bet our business on a double trousers and coats during the merger," he said.

Keith Keith Klabunde has been par cleaner Wauwatosa has in the cleaning business for decades.

Consequently, it is very familiar with colorful dresses and salt has to be kept clean try while maneuvered into sleet and snow for people consulting clothes.

"In the past, neglected not wear light clothing as it is very difficult to get," Klabunde said.

"These black dots you see on a pair of pants whitish, sometimes can not even get out," he said.

found in his coat and shoes by Klabunde, salt rings come from the other side of the road salt to melt ice on roads and walkways. In fact, the city of Milwaukee has only the deposit of about 55 thousand tons of salt per year, which can make it difficult to keep it the clothes clean, but Klabunde said he was sure to find a solution for the whole laundry.

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