
5 secrets of people who always have a clean house.

If you are part of the population that strives to keep a home in good condition , you are probably wondering how and how "clean" people do it.

Clean surfaces

The laundry boxes are used to overflow a clean and empty surface. Countertops and tables almost demand full mailing and other trifles. People with clean houses respond to this problem immediately. "When large flat areas remain free, they are not only visually appealing, but also easier to clean," says Carrie Higgins, author of Organization Hacks and founder of Making Lemonade. "Do not place appliances on counters or on a messy desk."

They take care of the dishes

When you wake up in a sink with dirty dishes, you are practically preparing for failure. First you need to rinse the dishes and pans, which will give you five to ten crucial minutes, a crucial moment in a busy morning. Even worse, all these foods and all the fat are embedded and take longer to cleanse. Do yourself a favor and charge the dishwasher (and spin it when it is almost full) and wash out the pots and pans before going to bed.

Find easier ways to refresh your kitchen.

They know how to make room

Even if you do not consider yourself a collector of "things," those "things" always seem to accumulate in every corner and in every counter. "Start with the rule from start to finish," says Nancy Haworth of On Task Organizing in Raleigh, NC. "If you buy something new, dispose of, sell, or give away an old item to make room for the new item."

More informative tips can be found in our professional tips for cleaning .

Follow cleaning schedules

Clean houses are not miraculously cleaned up: caregivers have an established record to keep things neat and tidy. "People who have a clean home tend to have a cleaning schedule and routines so that dirt and clothes do not have time to stagnate," says Higgins. "For example, every Monday, they set a specific day for vacuuming or washing clothes to avoid important tasks." Take care not to mess up your house .

They think "clean" when they enter the house.

Sometimes these are really the little things that make for a radiant home. Bailey Gaddis, a certified professional organizer and author of Feng Shui Mommy , begins with a security policy. "If you leave your shoes on the door, you'll avoid toxins, soil, leaves, and other sweets that quickly soil the floor so it does not get into your home," he says. It's not just your shoes. The rest of your outfit has also caught germs; Therefore, you should never sit with warm clothes in your bed.

This story was originally published in Reader's Digest. Read more secrets for a clean house here.

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