
Oral health advice for you to smile with confidence.

way of living

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Keeping your teeth healthy can make all the difference in self-confidence, looks, and the ability to talk and chew. There is a reason why your mother has always told you to look after your teeth. A visit to the dentist is not what you want (sorry for dentists). These are some dental hygiene tips that will help you to get a radiant and confident smile.

Picture from Pixabay's Pettycon .

Clean your toothbrush

If you use the same toothbrush for more than three months, dispose of this piglet. At this point you just need to transfer bacteria to your mouth. If you have an electric toothbrush, you must replace the heads every three months to make sure they do not contain bacteria.

Brush your tongue

One of the major causes of bad breath is plaque on the tongue, but it is not a daily exfoliant that can not help. If you want to get it right, use a tongue scraper to make sure there are no annoying bacteria on the tongue after brushing.

Chewing gum without sugar

Contrary to popular belief, chewing gum can be a very effective way to keep the mouth clean. Chewing gum increases salivary flow by keeping the teeth clean and without bacteria.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water immediately after a meal can help flush out leftovers, which can lead to problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Rinsing with water keeps the teeth clean and prevents the growth of bacteria.

Silk silk

We've all heard about the importance of flossing, but many people do not follow a disciplined dental floss routine. Simple flossing can make them brighter by removing plaque and excess food, and it can be extremely effective in preventing tooth decay.

Avoid whitening toothpastes

You've probably seen this lightening toothpaste shine in its shiny packaging. These keep your teeth clean, but they are often too expensive and abrasive ingredients can damage the delicate enamel.

Eat the cleaning of food in a natural way.

Many fruits and vegetables with high moisture content can be an excellent way to wash your mouth while keeping a good snack. Chewing fruits and vegetables can be a kind of natural toothbrush. Try to eat these foods at the end of your meal to cleanse your teeth.

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