
8 cleaning and health tips in the spring.

Are you taking out your supplies for your annual spring cleaning? You are not alone! According to a survey, more than 75% of Americans participate in spring cleaning every year.

The arrival of longer days and warmer temperatures often serves as a reference point for opening the windows and ensures a thorough cleaning of your home. If this sounds like you, do not miss this short list of important health and safety tips during spring cleaning:

Read labels

Unfortunately, toxins are spread all over the world, especially in aggressive cleaning chemicals. The good news is that you can take steps to reduce the amount of toxins you are exposed to by reading the labels carefully. Look for "green" products that contain all the ingredients on the label and are certified by an independent organization. For all products with "Danger", "Poison", "Warning" or "Warning", check if you need to take additional measures, eg. When using a mask or gloves. It is also better to open the windows when cleaning with chemicals to improve ventilation and avoid the symptoms of overexposure (such as headache, dizziness, etc.).

Eliminate bacteria, fungi and mold.

Vacuuming or vacuuming can significantly improve the aesthetics of your home. If you really want to eliminate all microbes that affect household items, you can go further. Spring is the perfect time to steam clean carpets and rugs and to cleanse moldy areas such as shower curtain and tub with a bleach solution (1 cup of bleach per gallon). Water).

Smoke test and CO2 alarm.

Check the batteries and test every smoke and CO2 alarm in the house to make sure it is working properly. Take additional measures to prevent fires, such as removing vegetation and deposits from the garage (think of a brush, newspapers, etc.). Do not forget to check that your fire extinguishers are not outdated!

Change filter

When spring allergens that cause sneezing start to get into the air, it's time to replace the old filters in your air conditioning and heating system. Do not forget your fridge! You may be surprised how much dirt the coils in your capacitor cover. Vacuum or dust if you can easily access them (see the manual for your refrigerator).

Clean your medicine cabinet

Bottles and bubbles and boxes, my God! A medicine cabinet that has not been classified for a long time can be a difficult affair. However, your entire family will really benefit from removing old and unused prescriptions as well as over-the-counter and obsolete medications. Do not throw medicines in the trash or in the toilet. Look for the removal instructions on the drug label or see if you can keep the medicine in a safe place.

Never move heavy furniture alone

To end a sprained ankle or back pain, you can try to reposition or completely move a heavy piece of furniture without help. Experts recommend that you organize your spring cleaning projects in advance and prepare the transport of large items. If you know you want to attack the living room on Saturday and get rid of your furniture or at least empty it, ask a friend or relative to help you in advance.

Give more than just clothes

Although you can quickly fill your donation bags with old and unused clothing, do not forget about all the other useful things you can do to eliminate clutter in your home and possibly help someone else. Check with your local Aging Council or other high-level relief organization for acceptable medical equipment such as poles, walkers, crutches, shower chairs, etc. You can also donate old sports and exercise equipment that is not used by a charity.

Do not forget the little things.

When did you disinfect your kitchen sponge or cutting boards? How about your cell phones, remote controls, trash cans, reusable shopping bags and other common items such as cards in your wallet? Germs can live on almost anything, and in general, the most commonly used household items stay longer without disinfection. Be sure to include the small items in your list of spring cleaning tasks to create a cleaner, healthier home.

Spring cleaning experts agree that the best way to thoroughly clean your home is to work room by room. Start small with a room or area and continue gradually. Be smart with the cleansing products you use and remember to stay hydrated, take frequent breaks and be careful not to exercise too much.

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