
Upcoming events promote the spring cleaning

More than 40 companies from the Carbondale region will attend this year's Spring Into Wellness, an event celebrating the city's "Active Life in Healthcare" (HEAL) initiative on Friday, April 5, at 5:00 am starts clock

"We have invited many companies involved in the health and well-being of our community," said Rita Marsh, director of the Davi Nikent Center for Human Development. Davi Nikent, along with the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce and the City Recreation Department, is one of the sponsors of the event.

In addition to stalls and activities, Drs. Greg Feinsinger and Peter Goldstein will be speaking, he added.

Readers of local newspapers can recognize the name of Feinsinger in its regular Post Independent column. He worked on transforming these columns into a book entitled, "Enjoy Optimal Health: 98 Health Tips From a Family Doctor," which he recently published.

"After retiring four years ago, I wanted to keep my hand in the field of medicine, so I did free consultations every morning and wrote a weekly column for Post Independent," Feinsinger said in an interview with KDNK. "Many people read my columns and asked me why I did not write a book, so I finally decided to do it six months ago, and here it is.

During his 42-year career at Glenwood Medical Associates, Feinsigner's vision of medicine has evolved.

"We see people moving the grave (...) and all in the middle," he said of his role as family doctor. I started to think, 'God, maybe we should prevent some of these diseases instead of treating them after they've invaded.' By 2003, I discovered that almost all myocardial infarctions could be prevented, but that did not happen. Stroke prevention and diabetes at Glenwood Medical. "

Today, Feinsinger's medical advice focuses primarily on smart lifestyle changes, especially in terms of diet and exercise. That interest earned him recognition in Hippocrates Docs, an online community of health professionals who provide nutritional advice and resources to people who want to change their lifestyle.

Peter Goldstein, co-founder of Hippocrates Docs, will focus his presentation on one of those resources, his recently launched online series Just Just Thing 4 Health.

"We've used bad eating habits and a bad lifestyle for decades, and we've actually been brainwashed to believe that the facts are wrong and scientifically proven," he said in a statement. The same interview Feinsinger and Goldstein share skepticism about the role that money and marketing play in shaping the social belief in health.

"Follow the money," said Feinsinger.

When asked about a specific example, Goldstein did not hesitate.

"The dairy industry itself, for example, spends about a quarter of a billion dollars a year to tell us how important and healthy milk is, but in fact research shows that cows are treated with hormones and antibiotics." Very damaging, "she said. Girls go much younger into puberty because of the milk. "I talked to a pediatrician of our doctor, she told me that we now have 12-year-old girls diagnosed with breast cancer, and that's milk-related."

Of course, the removal of cleaning services and lifestyle medicines has become a form of its own, often four-digit, but through health-oriented events such as Spring Into Wellness, the public can access experts for a fraction of the cost. "Advances in nutritional science for a healthy life up to the age of 100 years" on Saturday, April 6, at 7:30 pm at the Third Street Center with a visit by nutritionist and sales success at the Six Times in New York Times. Joel Fuhrman.

For the past three years, Fuhrman traveled to Aspen for his now legendary Aspen Ski Getaway, as announced on his website (drfuhrman.com). Meanwhile, he introduced his nutritional diet at the Aspen Institute, which focuses on the highest nutrient density available for caloric intake. Already in its fourth year, The Aspen Ski Getaway invites participants to dine at the Pyramid Bistro and Limelight Hotel and attend many conferences.

This year, Fuhrman will address a crowd of Carbondale instead of a climate conference at the Aspen Institute.

To make his nutritional philosophy easily accessible, he sums it up in a simple formula: H = N / C, where H is health, N is nutrients, and C is calories. That is, health can be measured by the nutrient ratio per calorie.

"I've been doing this for almost 30 years, and I think when I wrote the book 'Come to live' you're looking for ways to create charts and diagrams ... to translate what you're talking about." The formula was a natural extension of that intention

Fuhrman argues that in addition to prevention, nutrition management can reverse the trend of chronic diseases. This is the cornerstone of his message, but he also recognizes that it is not always an easy path.

"We feel weak and tired, and you can even experience depression and anxiety by simply trying to eat junk food," he said. "I offer people a support system ... I even have a retreat where extremely dependent people can stay there for two or three months." They need time to free themselves from their triggers and to understand how they sabotage themselves. "

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