
Clean up after your pet

PET FRIENDLLY: Carpet Court recently released a range of pet-proof flooring, the Pinnacle Collection, which is durable, easy to maintain, scratch resistant and non-slip.

PET Friendlly: Carpet Cut has recently released a series of flooring that is resistant to pets, the Pinnacle Collection. It is durable, easy-care, scratch-resistant and non-slip.

It is understandable that puppies and kittens have training problems while cleaning, but it is important to ensure accidents immediately.

In fact, the smell of old urine attracts dogs and cats and if it is not properly cleaned from the ground, it has a recidivist who urinates again and again in the same place.

To avoid this extreme disaster, Brett Talbot, the national carpet commissioner for goods, offers the following tips for floors and carpets so your home does not end up feeling like a doghouse or cat litter.

  1. Take as much urine as possible with paper towels (use only a white cloth to avoid dye transfer).
  2. After the sponge area, spray an enzyme-based solution (white vinegar and another cold water) onto the floorboards or carpet surface to neutralize the odor. Pinnacle Rug Cut Collection's range of hybrid floors STAINMASTER PetProtect resists picking up, stains and odors from accidents involving pets. Accidents can only be cleaned with water.
  3. Leave the solution of the enzyme in the affected area for 10 minutes. Dry the affected area with a paper towel and allow to dry.
  4. Once dry, sprinkle baking soda into the environment and leave it standing for 24 hours as this will disinfect the environment. then empty zone.
  5. If the discoloration is still visible, repeat steps 2 and 3 with cold water only. Remember that this is possible up to four times.
  6. If stains or smells do not respond properly to the carpet treatment, contact a professional carpet cleaner within 48 hours.
LESS MESS, NO FUSS: With its waterproof composition, the Pinnacle range also resists absorption, stains and odours from liquid spills, and is suitable for wet areas.

MESS LESS, NOT REMEMBERED: With its waterproof composition, the Pinnacle range also resists absorption, stains and odor splash, and is suitable for wet areas.

  • Never wash carpets with soap surfaces or normal detergents. If you apply these immediately after the enzymatic treatment, the neutralization process is deactivated (ie the odor persists). In addition, cleaning products can permanently soil your carpet.
  • Do not clean your floor with ammonia-based products as the smell will attract your pet's attention in the area.
  • Do not use mop steam to clean floors.
  • Never rub the stain, as this can lead to "blurry" areas on your carpet.
  • Do not be tempted to immediately use a steam cleaner on the surface of the mat as this could embed the stain and odor on the carpet fibers.

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