
Home tips and why I like the rage

People love to indulge, but it's a word with negative connotations. For example, you do not want to play games. If you know the potential catastrophic consequences of excessive alcohol consumption, you do not have to admit it in our Hot Mess Press community. It's your business and I hope it's something unique. There are probably people among us who can identify with the shopping frenzy. In fact, most of us (at least women) would not necessarily call this a bad thing. Do not judge, for fear of you ... Today I would like to give you a few tips for home, which is about jokes.

I like to jam myself . Let me first say that I have changed a lot over the years. When I was young, I was one of the people who had a cleaning plan. You know what I mean: Monday, dusting furniture and floors, cleaning Tuesday, skirting, Wednesday, cleaning windows, Thursday and Friday, washing clothes, etc. It was not my real list, but you see the idea. He was also the guy who felt inwardly restless and stressed if he did not meet the schedule. Let's move on quickly to 10 children, six of whom were born in seven years, and me. BASS MONTH RULES. The tips of my home have become a pure survival mode.

Find a happy medium

My mother ironed underwear, bedding and almost everything that had wrinkles. Although I like to iron wrinkles metaphorically, I'm not really a fan of literal ironing, except perhaps the Christmas tablecloth. The more I sailed in my motherhood, the looser my cleaning standard became.

I always enjoy a nice, comfortable and tidy room, but I no longer feel a stroke when I notice fingerprints on the sliding glass doors. The occasional cleaning makes me happy, because I can choose between small and large works. Without pressure When I'm cleaning myself, I play tunes, tie my hair, wear clothes I can not do without worrying and cleaning at will. That's the key. When my heart is happy, I stop. No list No schedule No self-imposed negotiation. Only something nice and clean, which I cleaned that day.

Cleaning pops makes household traps less stressful

If you take a day off to pamper yourself, time is yours. You can start after a good cup of hot coffee on the porch. Maybe you'll take a lunch break and offer a favorite meal (preferably someone who delivers it). You can take your time. Decide what you want to clean, one thing at a time. Would you like to board your garbage drawers today? Fonce. Then you could wash the walls or cabinets.

Clean or involve your family by asking each person to choose a cleaning task. Are you the type of person who needs to set a time limit? You can do it for homework or for the day. You can block six hours for cleaning for an intense day or more, if you would like. It is the best of all. If you are not in the mood, you can stop. There are no test planners or specific goals to achieve. Just one day to thoroughly clean your house until you are satisfied with what you have achieved.

Daily cleaning tips.

Life is busy You know exactly what your hobbies are about cleanliness. Can not you put dirty dishes in the sink? Is it important for you that the bed linen is washed at least once a week? Decide what you need and stay in contact with them. Do not worry about the rest. Do what you can, if you can. My mother used to say that she did not want a showroom where she feels inhabited. I like it Informal cleaning is excellent because you can do it every time something happens to you. In general, I enjoy a cleansing day in abundance every few months throughout the year. You could divide into neighborhoods, like the garage, the cellar, the playroom or the next room.

One of the best cleaning tips I can give you is not to cause stress between attacks. Try to keep your home clean and teach your children to do their part to keep it clean. Above all, enjoy your home.

Do not let this become a source of voltage in your life. If it really matters to you that your home looks like a showroom, these cleaning tips are not for you. Do you like the idea of ​​brushing in abundance? Try it and go back to this post to tell us how it went. Do you have any favorite tips for the household? Leave a comment!

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