
8 tips for a successful maize harvest

By Brad Krajewski, head of technical seeds Croplan ®

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depending on geography - - As you are near or in the thickness of the harvest, you are probably dealing with a million different things. But it's what you can tidy to help harvest corn to ensure do? Here are some tips that might help things keep on track.

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1. Make - your team is and ready.
If you have to wait your machine or repaired, as needed, in place and ready to go. This includes your combines, tractors, grain trucks, trucks, augers and containers. The cultivation has a way of sneaking upon us, and there is nothing more frustrating than your harvest that does not work for the harvest and the computer.

2. know your marketing strategy and plan accordingly.
For example, if you have a contract to fulfill a grain silo in particular, which is to take your plan corn from a field that the target to fill your own tank is closer corn from a field that is closer to home? Knowing the logistics it takes to enforce contracts, other possibilities may want to use and what are your plans for the rest of your culture is important to track.

Crop characteristics can also affect your marketing plan. Did you feed near many who want corn moisture? An ethanol plant dry corn you want? If you have hybrids that meet the quality standards of food? Here in Gothenburg / Cozad Nebraska region, for example, we have to match a list of the leading manufacturers of snack food-grade hybrid. May has that could meet the need, if someone calls looking for more grain to fill the contracts? You know what your options are and how to optimize your marketing efforts.

3. To the performance - to calibrate the monitor.
Accuracy counts for two reasons. First, if you use your data to evaluate performance or hybrid to a fertility test, for example, make sure that the monitor is calibrated to give correct accurate results and help make the best decision about how a particular product produced in their fields.

Second, the data accuracy is critical if you use this data to make orders for the coming years; For example, with prescription or prescription a yield map fertility for planting. specific performance results can you create requirements could be based on which shares, hybrid selection and other factors in the future.

Performance monitor calibration takes time - a precious commodity at harvest. But if you want the data that is accurate and not just "good enough", it is time well spent. Talk to someone at your local dealer or cooperative team, if you need the calibration aid.

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4. Know Your Hybrid and have a plan of attack.
What products are dry at first you have to go now? That were damaged by bad weather, insects, disease or mold that could have fitness for the harvest or retention of the ear affect clothing? Knowing what fields and harvest were damaged before most of the crop is at risk. On the other hand, if the corn that is severely damaged or diseased, you can harvest their crops well before first select that abuse is safe and leave the harvest to the end.

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5. Knowing the characteristics of their fields.
Are there some areas that current harvesting challenges; Those with low moisture stains, for example? Be sure to harvest before the rain comes or snow. Otherwise, it will be a challenge, always the corn crop in the field gets to be.

6. Check if you have your computer on the field.
Be sure to clean the ears properly and not too much grain pulls the rear end of the combine. a large amount of grain lost in a decrease in performance add up required.

7. Clean your equipment thoroughly.
It is obvious to clean the device at the end of the season, but are you machines between the fields of cleaning? Some diseases, such as wilted Goss can overwinter in crop residue, making it easy to combine this residue to be transferred from one field to another to stop the spread of the disease to other areas. It's the same story with seeds of herbicide-resistant weeds.

So if you know you have a problem, weed or disease in a field, blowing the seeds and debris combine and clean before moving it to the next field. It will save you a headache and heartache next year.

8. Take notes - either electronically or the old fashioned way.
Notes remain a valuable reference after the harvest to help you make plans for next season. Make sure weeds are problems sure to take note of the points on the field with problems or discolored patches of rain. Consider how to see them because during the harvest the problems, you can forget to check the situation that you want, or to record.

Also take note of good and bad results of product performance. This helps you make decisions easier hybrid next year.

use technology to take notes - either an application phone, voice notes or the information on the tablet or monitor write performance - help thinking recognized immediately to facilitate the examination. At least one piece of paper and a pen always faithful to the case.

What are some tips for harvesting corn. A good harvest and preparation for next season. For more information, see www.croplan.com .

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