
Perform the following safety tips fall without external injury, cleaning

If you have to work hard to make your garden the envy of the neighbors, or you are trying a reluctant gardener to maintain a minimum level in your neighborhood?

Regardless of the type that one thing is certain - Gardening and court work can be a real pain.

One of the most common complaints after a few hours of yard or garden is the work of lower back pain. Weeding, mowing, digging, raking, planting and mulching on the back muscles and if it can not wreak havoc careful, it is easy to filter or withdraw the muscles.

"The biggest mistake when working in the yard or garden is not heating their bodies before," said Dr. Brian Morrison.

Here are 10 tips for gardening and landscaping work helps her back in a good position to keep:

• Heating - take a brisk walk for 5-10 minutes taken around the court, jumps, lunges and arm circles for walking.

• Moisturize - need water to function optimally muscles. sufficient water levels may help to prevent the occurrence of leg cramps or cramps and to prevent dehydration.

Mélangez-- • Vary your tasks each time. Have a job pruning, digging, raking, bending work and much more.

• Segar - leaned forward as you push lawnmower you can back your pace. Be sure to keep a good attitude, pushing with arms and legs instead of the back.

• Malezas - at the waist for a long time bending is a sure way to make your back muscles to start protests. I kneel on a rubber mat garden with wheels sit on a chair or sit directly on the ground instead.

• Elevation - if sandbags or mulch lifting, keep your back straight and bend your knees and hips - not back down. When picking up piles of leaves and grass, holding small stack.

• Raking - Most people use only the rake with their dominant hand. Switch sides try every few minutes. Back, neck and arms will thank you.

• Wear supportive shoes - right foot and can help stop some of the stress to get her back to support the arch. Spend sandals and flip-flops and opt for a pair of shoes pair of support in place.

• breaks - take your time, less likely to occur in injury. take push to point of exhaustion neglected with a good posture and lifting techniques to install the lesion.

• Outsourcing - consider setting someone to do the heavy work, the back and body strains.

What can you do if you follow all these tips and still with back pain in the end?

• heat treatments and / or ice, exercises, stretching techniques can help build repair and muscles.

• support pillow behind his back and knees alone can take the pressure off the lower back.

Ensure safety and follow these tips for free-fall injuries exterior cleaning.

Pam Meyer is good - is in the center of Sainte - Catherine, in Wahpeton

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