
offered tips to stop mold, moisture damage in the house

The office of the Department of Radiation home environment Environmental Protection Agency and US Air have published information and instructions to the list of owners and tenants how to clean up residential mold problems and reduce mold growth.

Among the proposals of the EPA:

* If you act now quickly a mold problem. When wet or moist materials or spaces within 24 to 48 hours after a leak or spill, mold, in most cases, will not grow dried. If the zone comprises less than 10 square meters, says the EPA it is likely than itself does project to be solved. If there is more than that, the EPA Guide "Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings", which is to be applied to other structures that can be downloaded from www.epa.gov/mold , advice and other instructions.

was * If you think your heating or air conditioning contaminated with mold, you can use the guide to the EPA, consult "If you cleaned the air ducts in your house?" before proceeding. The guide is also available in www.epa.gov

* If mold damage was caused by sewage or other waste water - or if you have other health problems - consult professionals.

* Falls or back in the shower and bath accessory form will increase ventilation and clean the area frequently.

* Fix plumbing leaks and other problems as soon as possible water. Thoroughly dry all items.

* Scrub dried form on hard surfaces with a detergent and water and complete.

* Paint or seal not moldy surfaces.

* If you are unsure how to clean an item, especially if evaluated repair a department such as cleaning of carpet, paint, furniture or consult water damage. Check references and studied with professional associations affiliated specialists.

* When cleaning moldy areas to avoid inhalation to mold spores and mold using an N-95 respirator, which resembles a paper dust mask and is available in many hardware stores. Wear gloves and eye protection as well.

* Clean the outside and repair gutters regularly. Ensure that the traces of dirt removed from the foundation of the building, so that the water does not enter or collect around the base. Keep flowing own air conditioning drain pans and drain lines unobstructed and well.

* Keep low indoor humidity, ideally between 30 and 50 percent. Relative humidity can with a moisture meter or moisture, are measured available in many DIY stores.

* Humidity, ventilation devices producing moisture, such as stoves, heaters and kerosene to reduce dryer. Use air conditioners and dehumidifiers if necessary. Perform open the bathroom fan or window in the shower and do fans with open windows or when cooking, washing dishes or other objects to water, based in kitchen areas or utilities.

* Cover cold as cold water pipes surfaces insulated.

* Increased air temperature.

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