
Spring cleaning is so 2016! We & # 39; All fall to clean back to this year

Fall is here, and forget latte pumpkin spice - the thing I finally exhausted on a sweater, wrapped myself in a large blanket and down in the regulation of the chimney. But before that happens there? You must get rid of all to get the damage that still linger at home.

Yes, you read it right. Most people think of spring as the time for the season of cleaning, but after a few months of dirt tracking outdoors, moisture face and take your bath towels, sunglasses and flip-flops storage, at home, you probably need help.

No fear! The pursuit of these essential tasks fall cleaning, make two or three every week before the cold weather really brings. If it is the case, you are ready for a clean and comfortable season inside.

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1. Wash pillows and blankets

It's time to prepare your couch cuddled! Wash pillows and blankets remember to switch to something more season. You also need to wash their carpets to keep the sofa and chair for the next time you get a cold autumn night, they are surrounded by pleasant freshness.

Change 2. Wash and curtains

Some people do not realize that the curtains should be washed in reality. Especially after a season to enjoy the humid summer air, the curtains are particularly prone to catching not let go of both the dust and dirt. At the end of the season, wash all your curtains. Better yet? After washing, store and configure heavy curtains that will help insulate your home against the cold.

3. Let exempt from beach sand

If you go the whole summer at the beach, it is likely sand are hidden everywhere. If you have carpet, you should suck thoroughly definitely to move the furniture so that you can really get into it. If you have hardwood floors that are now empty time, instead of scanning - to help aspiration to remove sand from the gap between the boards. Be sure to vacuum the carpet and among them, too - surprisingly to catch a lot of sand on the beach. And do not forget your doormat - empty or clean the carpet itself and all the dirt and sand sweep that lies beneath, so it does not continue at home.

4. Keep your summer clothes and accessories

It's time to place for a place to store your winter clothes, hats, gloves and coats. Hide your bathing suits, beach towels, pool accessories, etc. - basically anything that is not even the climate change is used. Wash and dry clothes and linens before saving and ensure that all storage containers labeled so that if necessary can easily find products for the summer next year.

More: 10 Ways , from the elegant leaves in autumn

5. Get your table ready cold weather

After a long time in storage cold plates can smell moisture and dust. It's time to load - clean, all linens, blankets and comforters and aerate quilts for a day in the sun hanging (make sure there is no chance of rain early fall). Now is a good time to get your mattress back - to give both sides a good vacuum cleaner with an attached piece of furniture, to remove the accumulated dust and dirt.

6. Clean cooler

Cooking is covered one of the best parts, but it needs to meet all of your culinary creations. Go to the refrigerator, discard all expired items, clean shelves and cleaning containers for fruit.

7. Prepare the fireplace

If you have a fireplace, you must be prepared in advance for the cold months. Have a professional chimney cleaner to come and inspect the chimney and remove all flammable accumulation. Check your fireplace and chimney for cracks or loose stones, make sure the damper to ensure that you can open and close and be sure to remove the outer branches too close to your fireplace.

8. Prepare your input

In colder weather much warmer clothing is coming. Take the time to organize and makes space for coats, gloves, hats, shoes and umbrella Now, before you start using them. In this way, he would have avoided a tangle of clothes and shoes in the doorway of success time, even cold.

9. The dust of the heating vents

Your heating vents were all summer, and probably they are covered with dust and dirt. Now is the time to clear the way when the unit is turned on for the first time all year, do not you think that the Strangler dust in the air. With a soft cloth over the two electrical heating elements and heating ducts pulsed air to break the vacuum and its various accessories that appear to be very strong.

Finally, when the cold comes, it will be fully prepared - and willing to cuddle clean and shiny in your home.

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