
A heated trough for birds feathered friends

Published: December 24, 2017 00:01

Wild bird singers are very satisfying for me - maybe even more - sowing, harvesting and observing plants. I followed a minimum of five power plants in the past three decades. I praise willing to take care of her animals sitter when I travel and make sure that the bird bath contains water year.

After watching the different ways that my garden visited, I found that some birds show unique personalities just like humans and pets. And in the winter months playing for the competition season, cooperate birds. While some eat, others to position themselves in the bushes and trees, looking for predators. A sharp cry of a "search" and all kinds dart the thick branches of trees and shrubs to cover.

Now winter has finally arrived, I pay attention to the investors and heated birdbath in my garden. intense cold is difficult for birds and other animals, but also very young titmice and finches usually to make it through the worst weather the resources.

In winter, water is important for the birds, but less often than food, even if it did, because the squirrels and bears investors are a problem to win their garden a heated waterer birds all bird species. In my garden bird bath is as busy as a supply and must be refilled frequently because the winter air dryer and warmer water equipment increased evaporation.

electric water baths are the best and, like most things, you get what you pay for. A well costs $ 40 or more. Agricultural innovators who use 75 watts for years in my garden 3-in-1 heated bird bath. the same open water in the cooler temperatures we stayed have experienced in the past eight winters. Internet critics of this model are mixed: many have the same success as I and others say it is not working properly. ensure noting that the seller you buy offer a good warranty and / or return policy.

Keep bird feeder full feathered additional security are friends, but do not worry if you go out and you can not keep investors fully. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology University reported that during bird feeders make life easier for birds and allow the survival in extreme weather conditions is not a bird alone on a food source. It is true that our bird feeders out in bird populations to an increase, the birds are not based on a single feeder, chances visit each start in the neighborhood. So if you go for a few days, healthy not starve songbirds in your environment.

If you set the investors, it is very important to keep them clean. Decadent seed and bird droppings can breed bacteria that can harm the birds. Here are some important tips Biro cleaning:

Give ° feeders seed (in particular feeders and thistles tubes) a good shake before filling to replace compacted to seeds. Remove the wet crumbs old seeds.

every few weeks º, disinfect feeders by using a solution of weak liquor (a quarter cup of bleach in 2 l of hot water) is washed. This is especially important in times of summer, warm and rainy. Rinse well and let dry feeders before refilling.

º save your seeds in a clean, dry, airtight, such as metal or plastic trash.

º Use to try not grease, oil, petroleum jelly or similar substances in their power poles or child, auszuzutricksen the squirrels, ants or other creatures feed poaching. Once these substances come into contact with the feathers of a bird that is not possible for the Preen bird or washing. sticky springs for flight or insulation, the threat birds robbers, extreme weather conditions and diseases are unusable. For squirrels and other mammals, use a wall stud. Cheap can find our kindergartens and local hardware stores in most.

to put on my favorite online source of information about the identification and birds is the place Laboratory at Cornell University Ornithology, www.allaboutbirds.org. You can excellent article about the various types of investors and nuts, seeds, fruits and sebos find birds lure them into your garden. Great photos your library can visitors and feathers Macaulay Library Cornell identify the different bird calls and songs can help, help identify.

Vicki Johnson is a columnist for the Herald Garden New Jersey. It can be reached at vjgarden@gmail.com or athomeinsussexcounty.com.

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