
The wave yearened mops and madness

Oh no, it's大掃除(ōsōji, large - scale cleaning) season. While people come from other countries to visit Santa in malls and with friends in pints endless in Japan, the fun is down and scrub kneel with tatami forced固く絞った雑巾(kataku shibotta zōkin powder slightly damp cloth) than hours for days , OK, so I'm exaggerating. Or rather, I would traumatized by the Spirit last Ōsōji.

Growing up, I always hated the month of December, as my mother every day were regularly more black moods. Our family calendar was not marked with celebrations of Advent, but ōsōji Prime: was 15 years old when the cabinets had to be cleaned highlighted, the buy material in the last 11 months 20 dayダンボール箱(danbōru-Bako, cartons) were opened and his by content and stored away, and so on and so forth.

Boxing actually had carefully folded and glued to the narrow space is available, or bound and taken to the garbage area referred資源ゴcars (Shigen Gomi, recyclable).

Left after Christmas my mother reached the advanced Rages children debris scattered gifts in our living room and a small countdown大晦日(Omisoka December 31st) in an emergency level started.

Tradition and standards of Japanese women urged my mother, and countless other mothers the house sparkling clean冷蔵庫have (reizōko, fridge) cleaned and cleaned before being stuffedお正月goodies (Oshogatsu, New Year party) for New Years Eve.

Let the house gradually a war zone of these two tasks many hours of hard work have started to resemble - with my mother as the sole commander ōsōji forward. We children were called to handle kiss伝う(tetsudau, help), but December is a busy time for Japanese teenagers: It is fine部活(Bukatsu, extracurricular activities) or practice that we have studied for school and tests in preparation books come university usually in late January and early February. As parents and men alcohol to society忘年会used (Bonenkai celebrating New year's Eve) (sokusenryoku could leave, the soldiers or people help immediately) after working weeks of 90 hours and not on即戦力.

As the days but Omisoka could ignore the fact in our house open, pass no one that my mother堪忍袋(kan'ninbukuro, mental stamina Cram bag) was about to explode.

29 are reserved for水回り(to and installed anywhere with heating), and this day - so everything was on the deck without exception. We children taste the風呂掃除(soji Furo, cleaning the bathroom) and hatedトイレ掃除(soji thorium, baths cleaning) in layers - the first group was a clean history and said it is the second group processes with many shouting insults and disgust cleaned and eventually mold my mother destroyers scatter bottle on everything and sealed the premises for several hours.

Turn shape, often synonymous with the best product name - Salesカビキラー(Kabi Kira literally "killer - Form"), is very effective, but potentially deadly. Over the years, we are how people (especially women and the elderly) to suddenly fail the bathroom with this solution, washing Mildew breathing problems and be hospitalized.

Some years, my mother has her own cleaning solution and vinegar重曹(Juso, baking soda), but children complained that never did the work and Kabi slipped in a few days. Looking back, I can see that we take were willing to give a good at each hospital, clean the disc down.ごめんね,お母さん(NE Gomen, Okasan, "Sorry Mom").

Since all ōsōji years can survive - that things are not so bad. Things settled down 30 when the window玄関(Genkan, house) and下駄箱(getabako storage box for shoes) had to be thoroughly cleaned, and any worn通学靴(tsūgakugutsu, leather shoes increased school) it had to be repaired and polished. The terrace was cleared of debris and dead plants, and then distributed and hosed.

If one of these tasks forget my father went into a terrible rage, none of us could recover for the entire三が日(sanganichi at 1 January 2 and 3).

But on the night of 30 December, sneak friends in model localスバ(MOSU-ba, fast - eating together Mos Burger) could see orミスド(Misu-do, Mr. Donut) and spend time withダベリ(daberi, talk ) towers of sugar and caffeine. When I got home, the house is warm, clean and fragrant with the smell of cooking a kitchen with gas.

Omisoka again busy with last - minute - ōsōji events and write年賀状(Nengajo cards, New Year greeting postcard). The two tasks were unpopular in the Japanese lifestyle - ōsōji of断捨離(danshari, order) or小掃除(kosōji, small cleaning) and Nengajo of SNS Greetings was replaced.

日本のお正月(Nippon no Oshogatsu, Japanese New Year) has become much more efficient and more relaxed. However, there are many people who maintain the ōsōji tradition, as evidenced by TV shows, YouTube and Lifestyle - magazines that are full of年末(nenmatsu, the end of the year) cleaning tips. I found one on the best method forガス台の(not gasudai Soji, clean hotplates) Send掃除and to my mother.

Which brings me to:旧年中はお世話になりました来年もよろしくお願いします(Osewa wa Kyūnenchū or narimashita balks mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu "Thank you for everything that happened last year Please accept .. best wishes. for the new Year ").

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