
get rid of cleaning shares expert advice stains on the couch

Getting rid of your furniture from food stains, is no easy task.

Sometimes it is removed, leaving a large stain worse or the area damaged in the article of daily use.

If you are struggling to get rid of the stain or simply just prepared and advice by Melissa manufacturer has just cleaning experts can help.

Coffee, author of Clean My Room, shared his suggestions on Kitchn. These tips will help you no matter what your bed is made.

Or use a stain remover or your own: 1. linen / cotton. All you is a teaspoon of white vinegar with two-thirds of a cup of alcohol need mixed. With a sponge pressure on stains. Then, with a clean cloth to absorb the liquid, and repeated several times.

2. Untreated leather: Add a few drops of water baking powder, corn flour or corn starch in the area which stained for 15 minutes and left. under vacuum, and then the stain with the brush material.

3. Leather - finish or coating: Take a clean cloth or paper towel before wiping cloth on the floor set with a damp microfiber cloth. If there is still using a stain with a leather cleaner or conditioner product.

4. Microfiber: a cleaning solution used to remove water - stain if a "W" on the label. "S" label "DAB or alcoholic vodka in the area. You can also break with a toothbrush the stain for easy removal.

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