
PROPERTY: Six clever tips to spend a clean spring

SIX spring cleaning tips have been compiled by Junk Hunters Recycling and Waste Experts.

Harsha Rathnayake, founder of the London Garbage Collection Company, said, "Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to sort out all your belongings and re-evaluate what you really need in your home.

"It is natural that we accumulate a lot of things over time, but the maintenance of everything can often lead to a crowded and overcrowded house that is difficult to clean and can make life more difficult over time.

Here are the top six tips from Junk Hunter.

1. Throw it. Be reckless and give the first things to your friends, family and charities.

2. Call for help. Ask your loved ones to rid the house of unwanted items.

3. Kick everyone. When it's time for a thorough cleaning, you do not want people to go through the newly cleaned floors, as this will only demotivate and double the time.

4. Face neglected areas like the inside of the stove, the top of a tall shelf, under the bed, dusty blinds and high corners of the ceiling.

5. Give your carpet a thorough cleaning. These include moving furniture such as sofas and beds that are raised off the floor.

6. Finally, do not forget the outside of your windows. They are used to being careless in winter and that makes all the difference.

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