
What is technology? Tips for cleaning your phone and computer in the spring


Spring is here (almost) and it's time to look around and clean the house.

After you have attacked windows and baseboards, change your thoughts on cleanliness where you live online.

After months of neglect, your phone and the places you visit online can receive special attention.

Here are some things to start with:

  • Your phone How many things on your phone take up valuable storage space? Look at your SMS. Text, photos, and videos can take up a lot of space on your phone. Did you receive an e-mail in 2012 with a video of a ball game or a birthday party? This requires about 10 MB of space. On a 16GB or 32GB phone, this space is better for new photos. To check the number of text messages on your iPhone, go to Settings and Memory. In an Android phone, it is in the configuration and management of the device. Access your iMessage text or application and delete those you no longer need to save. You need to make this one text message at a time, but if it's in memory, this is the best place to start cleaning.
  • Which applications need more space? You can find in the same configuration. Some applications are relatively small, but contain a large amount of data and documents. Remove applications you do not use If an application such as Facebook or Instagram contains a large amount of data and documents, delete and reinstall the application. You will not lose anything because it is stored in the cloud.
  • Speaking of Facebook: It's a good time to see which apps and websites have granted access to your Facebook profile. These are the websites and applications that you have registered for using your Facebook connection. These programs have access to your profile, public publications, friends list, likes, and more. Go to Settings on the Facebook page and then Applications. You will probably see some who do not use you or even remember to sign up to use them. Remove her You have no reason to access her Facebook account.
  • It's also a great time to download photos from your phone. We all have photos that we can not delete, but they need a lot of space. Use a cloud service, such as Google Photos or a USB flash drive, to download and save photos, and then delete them on your phone to make room.
  • Last change your passwords. You should do it more than once a year, but spring is a good time to change the passwords of critical accounts like Facebook, e-mail, credit or bank accounts, and any buy accounts like Amazon.

Spring is not just about changing the batteries in the smoke detectors and paying taxes. Your digital life needs attention too.

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