
Spring cleaning smartphone

Would you like to start with the spring cleaning?

Start with the article that almost always accompanies you: your smartphone. Connected devices often serve as close companions and virtual cabinets. They save our emails, photos, documents and applications. From time to time it is good to clean and organize your smartphone.

Check out these tips to improve the performance and battery life of your smartphone.

  1. Clean your phone : Clean your phone with a microfiber cloth. Use a clean disinfectant wipe or spray a paper towel with a disinfectant to cleanse germs and bacteria. Do not spray the phone .
  2. Remove Unused Applications : Even if you do not actively use an application, it can still work with other applications. This can discharge the battery silently. Close or close these unused applications. If you stop using the applications, delete them. This also creates space for new applications or more photos and videos.
  3. Organize your applications : Create folders by category: travel, weather, news, social networks, photography, etc. Place the most commonly used applications on your home screen.
  4. Declutter Your Inbox: Unsubscribe from all emails you do not open . Create a digital file system with folders so that the emails are moved to the appropriate category. Consider deleting emails for more than two weeks.
  5. Clean up your contact list: check your address book and discard contacts you no longer use to free up space.
  6. Download your photos : Smartphones make it easy to capture and record moments in life. But photos and videos can take up a lot of space. For those who can not bear to even delete a photo or video, think of a memory card.

AT & T recycling and recycling program

I do not know what to do with all these old cables, plugs and cordless phones. Donate to the AT & T Recycling and Recycling Program

You can protect human health and our environment by recycling your electronic waste. With the AT & T Recycling and Recycling Program you can bring mobile phones, smartphones, accessories and batteries (from any manufacturer or supplier) to the AT & T retail stores.

If the phone still has value, AT & T offers a recovery service. At AT & T's retail stores, customers can return their existing mobile phones and receive an AT & T promotion card or donate money to charity handsets. soldiers

AT & T has a long history of cell phone support for soldiers, an initiative that uses recycled cell phone funds to buy pre-paid calling cards for active military members to connect with their families.

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