
4 tips to clean your home safely and effectively

The owners have difficulty finding the time to clean the house. But that is not your only challenge. Be sure to clean the house safely and responsibly .

We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by germs, bacteria and foreign substances harmful to the human body. For the past 150 years, people have relied on strong detergents to remove germs from our environment. Unfortunately, we often use the cheapest and simplest weapons, which also contain toxins and chemicals that are just as harmful to our bodies and the environment.

Clean without causing damage

A safe and environmentally friendly cleaning of the house requires a little extra effort. But when you think about the products that you use for cleaning, you avoid endangering the health of your family and the environment, which is worth planning and preparing!

Where do you start? And what is at stake? Let's take a look:

Use safe food in the kitchen

When you enter a restaurant, would you be surprised to learn that they still use detergents that contain strong chemicals such as chlorine and ammonia? These chemicals can cause irritation to the skin and eyes, respiratory problems, and a variety of other acute and chronic health problems. If, on the other hand, you have gone to the same restaurant and learned that you are using food grade cleaners that contain none of these chemicals and are 100% safe, you will probably feel much better.

Take a look at the main restaurants that have moved away from toxic cleaning products for food products. This happens worldwide in commercial kitchens and restaurants. Do not you want to bring your house to safety?

All purpose cleaners often contain MEA, DEA and TEA: Compounds of ethanol which from home cleaning products to shampoo and mascara are found in everything. These compounds can form carcinogenic nitrosamines, which are known to cause cancer in many species. They also contain coal tar dyes and petrochemical derivatives saturated with heavy metals that are believed to be involved in many cancers.

Set up a day-reading practice to identify and ignore products based on MEA, DEA, and TEA when you buy surface cleaners and utensils that you use to prepare, cook, and eat!

Daughter and mother cleaning the house together and having fun together.

When you think about the products you use for cleaning, you can not endanger the health of your family and the environment. Photo: Adobe Stock

Eliminate your harmful cleaning products

"Detergent phosphates, chlorine from chlorine and pesticide contaminants will destroy sensitive ecosystems when they leave your local wastewater treatment plant," says Greenhome. com . As soon as you notice the harmful detergents in your home, you will get rid of them as soon as possible. However, do not throw anything in the sewer or throw it in the trash.

The best solution is to put these products in a municipal hazardous waste facility where they are disposed of safely. With the Earth911.com-search tool you can easily to local waste disposal facilities looking that accept household cleaners.

Make your own cleaning products

While there are safe household cleaners on the market, your best bet is to make your own. You can read specific formulas for individual applications, but it is always good to have a safe multipurpose cleaner at hand . Try the following recipe and fill some spray bottles for quick cleanup:

You can use this cleaner to remove stains, clean surfaces, clean mirrors and many other domestic situations. You can even clean your patio with a variation of this recipe.

Washing clothes responsibly

Did you know that you can reduce your carbon footprint by 550 pounds by not only using hot water for only two loads of laundry per week? Drying the clothesline instead of throwing laundry directly into the dryer can significantly reduce the consumption of electricity or natural gas.

Most people do not think about how their cleaning habits contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, but every action builds up. Heating the water, too much water and turning on the dryer contribute to global carbon pollution. Even the smallest steps, such as washing with cold water, can contribute to a safer ecosystem.

Add all

While most people take products and cleaning habits for granted, it is time to take responsibility for our impact on the planet. Always remember when buying the amount of problems that standard cleaning solutions cause for the human body and the environment. It's up to you to make smart and safe choices that will help you cleanse your home without any harmful side effects.

What toxins did you find in your home? How will you get rid of them? Which security alternatives do you use? Inform the Earth911.com Community !

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