
Tips for removing carpet stains with cleaners that you already have

Use these simple resources that are available at home to get rid of the difficult spots on your favorite carpet.

Beer is not just for drinking. It is also effective to remove difficult spots. Just rub the beer on the stain and wipe it off with a cloth. Continue cleaning to remove all traces of the stain.

<em> light beer. Photo: Beer is healthy </ em>

If the small back through the juice of the bug in the carpet, delete the stain, wipe with a sponge and spray wet and clean shave with a damp sponge. Shaving cream is also effective against grease stains.

Cornstarch is another superpower when cleaning stubborn stains, mixing starch and milk in a paste and applying it to the ink stain. Let it brush and vacuum for several days.

The vinegar removes almost all stains, it is very effective to remove difficult stains from the carpet.
For stubborn dirt, make a paste with vinegar and cornstarch, apply to the stain and let stand for two days and then clean.
For color spots, mix vinegar, detergent and water and dry until dry.

<em> Apple Cider Vinegar. Photo credit: Pinterest </ em>

Salt is another effective cleanser to remove stubborn stains from the carpet. For oil stains, mix salt and alcohol for cleaning. Do not allow ketchup to dry out on hard ketchup as this will make cleaning more difficult. Sprinkle salt over the spill, leave it for a few minutes and then aspirate. Continue with salt and vacuum until the stain is completely removed.

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