
5 tips for summer exercise to help you fight heat and stress

Recently my friend and I left our first apartment. It was a sweet and cozy place, with walls covered with tape and movie posters, and a fridge full of Trader Joe's best sandwiches. (I'm talking about Dunker cookies, brownie chips and asparagus risotto.) But the lease started and we found an even better place nearby. So we started picking up garbage cans, collecting our keys and packing clothes. We spent a full weekend in July wrapping the waffle iron and other appliances in our kitchen through the cabinets and running lots of vacuum cleaners. That's why I feel so qualified to give you some great tips to help keep you moving in the summer and fighting heat and stress.

Because not to overwhelm you or anything, but it's certainly a lot more than I expected. I did not know that when we started organizing and cleaning the move, we needed a lot of time 12 hours a day to go up and down stairs from one place to another. It's about booking a truck, buying too many bubble wrap and eating a piece of bread as a sandwich, because the rest of your food is somewhere.

It's a team effort, a job you can not do without the help of your new roommates, friends, or other loved ones. It is also manageable, especially considering these five tips.

1. Take enough time to pack and clean

Lumina / Stocksy

First and foremost, if you move in the summer, take enough time to keep your belongings and tidy up your current space. Schedule one or two afternoons on weekends to wrap your cups and plates in bubble wrap, and an hour before work, Monday morning, to check the food in your refrigerator. You will be thankful later if you are not so exhausted or stressed when placing your items. Believe me

Because your roommate, best friend, or other important person will ask you, "Hey, do you know where our plastic containers are?" and you will have an answer. You can imagine what kind of box you are in and where this box is in the moving trailer. You can easily find your shampoo, conditioner, soap and other products you need for a shower after a long day of hard work. Ugh!

2. Ask your friends to help you with the difficult things

Your friends are always at your disposal if you want to quench an ice cream or decipher a text message from your lover. Why should not they be there for you if you move in the middle of summer? The answer to this question about the trap is that it will help you to lift the boxes up two levels and place your sofa in the small elevator.

They bring sandwiches, water bottles, smile and make the experience a lot less stressful. That's why you can and should ask for help in difficult tasks, such as lifting your furniture, which you can not.

When you come back from your apartment, you have to talk and return to life. Make plans or dream of the adventure you wanted to do on the west coast . Before you know it, the boxes move and you feel closer to your best friends.

3. Take time for healthy and stimulating foods

Jesse Morrow / Stocksy

I can not say enough about this: if you move in the summer, you should take the time to eat a healthy diet and moisturize. Probably the sun hits him while loading the truck and the air conditioning of his apartment is not working anymore. It will be necessary to find shade, take breaks to cool down and nourish your body.

This allows you to stay energetic and strong, and it also gives you the opportunity to eat in the restaurants where you move or come closer. In this way, you can explore your new neighborhood and find the best restaurants or vegetarian places to find donuts, and distract yourself from the to-do list that never ends.

More importantly, it will give you a more positive mood and less emotion over all the emotions and changes that come with it. If you delete only one suggestion from this article, it should be so.

4. Think of your new home

When my friend and I left our apartment, I asked my Instagram followers to send us tips, tricks and motivation. I knew we would need it because the next day seemed very long and hot. One of the best tips we got was to think about our new home and think about all the nice things that are coming.

Honestly, it helped a lot. Each box felt like a step in the right direction and a more exciting and rewarding travel process. He took me from the countless steps I had to do, decorated, organized our offices, and threw away things we did not need or need.

Spoiler alert: That's the best feeling when you move. It's your chance to click on a reset button and adopt a minimalist lifestyle. This reminds us that there is a good change on the horizon and that this is likely to happen to the people you love.

5. Get enough sleep and stretch yourself often


Last but not least, it is important that you, like eating and drinking plenty of water, sleep well when you move. Prepare your body for a day of lifting, driving and challenging races. They also feel less exhausted from the inevitable chaos and stress.

Of course, you will probably be sitting at your new place at the end of the day, always feeling exhausted . (Seriously, did I mention that moving is not a joke?) But you can stay awake and watch some episodes of your favorite Netflix show to relax the day. You can unpack a box or take a bubble bath.

During this relaxation session, I also recommend stretching the muscles. Walking in the summer is basically a great exercise, and you've just achieved all of your goals.

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