
A cleaning expert says that you have a bad aspiration and that this is allergies and ...

VACUUM is an important part of housekeeping and part of the weekly cleaning routine, even daily.

However, a cleaning expert has found that we have cleaned the vacuum cleaner from the start, which could make our house dirty and make hay fever worse for those who suffer from it.

We strive for it, not as often


This is the way we aim, not the frequency. Picture credits: Alamy

Joanne Archer of Expert Home Tips says that it is not the frequency we strive for but the efficiency we strive for.

Although some of us can quickly cope with a vacuum in the room and others like to go into the corners and use all the accessories, we all miss an important step.

Joanne explained that because the fibers of the carpets and rugs are flexible, we need to vacuum them from all angles to remove any dirt.

Otherwise, dirt and other pests, including pollen, will become infected.

So you suck your carpet

  • Start by dusting and dusting the sofas and blankets
  • Then vacuum in a normal back and forth motion
  • Be sure to cover every inch of the carpet.
  • Then change and start again from left to right

Even if you religiously suck your rug, you are at risk of leaving pollen in allergies.

Joanne explained, "The fibers of the carpet turn in all directions, so it's important to vacuum every fiber in as many angles as possible.

"If you only suck in one or two directions, you leave crumbs, pollen, dead skin and dust.

"You may not see it, but it's because it's trapped under the fibers."

To ensure that dirt and dust are trapped in the material, you should vacuum from different angles.

You can not see it, but it's because it's trapped under the fibers.

Joanne Archer

He added, "It would be quite difficult to vacuum every square inch of carpet from every 360 degree angle, so the best way to optimize your suction performance is to add an extra step."

Joanne advises to cross a room in a traditional round trip.

But when you're done, turn the machine and go from left to right to collect all trapped debris.

Joanne added, "Another crucial mistake people make when cleaning is not working.

"You should always leave the vacuum at the end, being careful to remove dust from all surfaces, clean up, shake covers and remove cobwebs first."

Meanwhile, the mothers revealed the dirt they removed from their "clean" bras after they washed them.

In addition , real estate experts have shown how you can increase the value of your home.

While this interior designer shares the simple changes to update your home in minutes

So take off your clothes to make sure it's really clean.

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