
If you do not use delicate laundry bags to wash clothes will be damaged


It's not because you can pull your socks , bras and swimsuit in the washing machine with the rest of the clothes you need to hold, at least not if you want to. If you want me to really tear stockings and their bra straps so tangled in the washing machine to jam, you can turn and stop reading right away. But if you want a clean and neat machine life, I'll tell you a little secret: Toiletry bags are from your friend.

When you sit and ask yourself, "What is a toiletry bag?" You have to know that. These are small zippered pouches or cords of stitches or stitches (hence water and soap and off the bath) where the delicate clothing is placed when doing the laundry. , Wash them exactly as you would with a sweatshirt or trousers, but they are better protected against spinners. Bras are much less likely to come out of shape pieces not shredded and things like tights and swimsuits will not expand and become entangled on your machine.

Of course, you must not throw anything in the wash bag in the toiletry bag. Be sure to read the labels and keep the items that you want to wash by hand or dry so you can wash them properly.

Some people prefer hand washing for things like underwear and swimwear, but even if you are part of the team, even if you do not, even if you are not part of the team. Obliged to do it is always a great advantage to take advantage of toilet bags: you will never lose another sock to the washer-dryer mysterious monster who always seems to steal, leaving her feet constantly incompatible. If all your socks are washed in a mesh bag, not everywhere and will not have to look any further to collect their favorite pairs while lying down later.

But wait, that's not all! Since the toilet sets have different sizes, you can use them for almost anything. You do not have to limit it to what you put in the drawer of your clothes. Lace trim, strappy dresses: If it is washable, you can put it in a laundry bag.

Ready to become a converted laundry bag? Here is a tip: Avoid loose net options and use laundry bags with smaller holes. A good rule of thumb is to determine if the holes are big enough for a locking hook to get stuck in one of them. In this case, use another bag. The tighter the net, the harder it is for the bag to break or catch. And do not worry, I'm not here to get it out of the bin , without making any recommendations: These tested and tested garment bags should do the trick:

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