
Gardening: Expert Tips for Caring for Your Indoor Plants: "Avoid Overwatering"

As more people spend time indoors during childbirth, it's no surprise that houseplants are becoming increasingly popular. Upgrading your home decor with a new houseplant was a common trend in 2020 and is expected to continue this year. Thejoyofplants.co.uk plant experts have announced the ten best houseplants that are expected to be the most popular in 2021.

The money tree, the peace lily and the snake plants are still on the list.

But how do you care for your houseplants?

1. Money tree

This plant is a popular choice and can vary in size. This makes it perfect for most interiors.

There are also several varieties including Pachira glabra, Pachira aquatica, and Crassula ovata.

The plant experts at Thejoyofplants.co.uk recommend storing the Pachira aquatica, native to South America, in a damp room.

They added, "In dry homes, this effect can be reproduced by placing the plant in a saucer filled with water and pebbles (evaporation increases the humidity)."

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2. Lily of Peace

This beautiful plant comes from the rainforests of Venezuela and Colombia and can grow up to two meters high.

Relatively easy to care for, they're another popular choice among the British.

According to plant experts, the peace lily should be kept in bright or medium indirect light.

"These plants should be watered regularly with a sprinkler system and kept as moist as possible," they added.

3. Snake plant

You can recognize snake plants by their unusual yellow colored leaves.

They are incredibly easy to care for because they like "very dry desert conditions".

Water it infrequently so it doesn't overpour.

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4. Spider plant

Once popular in the 1970s, the spider plant is making a comeback.

Fortunately, they are incredibly "low maintenance" and require very little watering, experts say.

Thejoyofplants.co.uk added, "Soaked floors should be avoided at all costs and are best kept in indirect light ranging from light to medium."

5. Bonsai

These are a little more difficult to maintain and, due to the rapid growth of their leaves, require regular pruning with special candles.

Bonsai should be stored in the sun near the fresh air but away from drafts.

Sills with the window ajar are the best place for them.

Plant experts also recommend spraying bonsai regularly to prevent root rot.

6. Prayer plant

Known for their leaves that fold at night, these plants are beautiful to look at.

It is best to keep the prayer plant in a damp place and spray it weekly or more often during the winter months.

Thejoyofplants.co.uk advises, "Avoid placing this plant near drafty doors or windows. The same rule applies to all plants that they should be kept away from heaters during the winter months."

7. Devil's ivy

Devil's Ivy makes a great hanging plant that can be left standing under indirect light for some time.

When the leaves begin to wither, the plant is not getting enough light.

It's best not to water it that often in winter, but instead keep an eye out for curl leaves, which could indicate it's time to refill.

8. Chinese mint

The Chinese coin is known for its round blades that are said to bring good luck into a home.

This plant grows very quickly. So rotate it regularly so that it grows evenly.

They grow best in warmer areas of your home, but not near a heater.

9. Banana

More unusual, but surprisingly, the banana is likely to be popular this year.

The plant should be fertilized and watered regularly to maximize its growth.

10. Christmas cactus

These varieties of cacti bloom for two months from the end of November, but can also be kept for the rest of the year.

Thejoyofplants.co.uk experts added, "They require frequent and thorough watering but should not be left in the water."

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