
Stress Cooling Tips: Take care of your home to reduce stress

Do you annoy when you do a visual inventory of your home? See messy rooms? Are your closets and storage cabinets full of trash?

You are probably thinking, "I am busy helping my family and doing my job. I don't have time to take care of my messy house.

Most of us get to this point every few years. We're making housekeeping and clutter go away for many reasons. But when we take control of the home front, we will gather the energy to approach life with more enthusiasm.

"I'm very upset about my cleaning these days," says a clothing store owner we will call Jenny. "If my clients saw my personal space, they would think I was crazy."

Here are some reasons to find the motivation to clean:

- You will find treasure in all this mess. For example, you will likely find important documents, books, jewelry, and more in "Stuff". Order some boxes or stacks. You will no doubt discover something that you will love to find.

- You will have more control over your life. When you classify a single room and organize it well, you feel right at the top. Of course, it takes discipline to do this. But you will feel your ability to concentrate and your self-esteem increase.

- Your creativity will increase. It's amazing how cleaning up your house will make you want to do more. A tidy space will inspire you to paint the walls, buy new furniture, and create a space to be proud of.

A divorced father of three says he had his house built for seven years. We call him Johnny.

"My 12-year-old son wanted to have friends for over two years, but I was too embarrassed," says Johnny. "The children may have overlooked the disaster, but their parents did not."

Johnny took it upon himself to reduce the clutter by throwing things into large plastic tubs. He saved everything for the dumpster or for donations to charities.

Then he said to the children: "We will spend four weekends cleaning the rooms." They dragged each item into the living room one by one.

"We just delivered a treasure, no trash or trash," says Johnny. "The leftovers that we couldn't put anywhere went to the garage for disposal.

"Our house was looking good in six weeks," says Johnny. "It was like taking the weight off our souls. I think it has helped the kids mentally and I know it has helped me.

Being clean and tidy is 99% of the fight. However, creating that mood can be enhanced by things you can control.

"My husband and I made great music," says a college teaching assistant we will call Vickie. "Our home office was full of old paper. The music made us feel lighter and more excited as we sorted out the drawers and shelves. I think they threw us twice when energetic tracks were playing.

A thrift store owner we call Jackie says scheduled breaks can help too. Your job requires you to go through many donated items and properties that have been left on people's homes.

"I try to sort 10 boxes every two hours," says Jackie. "I work an hour, then I take a 15-minute break."

She continues, "Sorting out trash, paperwork and old things is a real problem. Let's not fool ourselves. But I found some very good treasures in my boxes. Today I found valuable books, jewelry and historical photos that I will donate to our city's archives. I try to see congestion control as an adventure. ""

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