
8 clever tips to remove allergens from your home | editorial staff

Homes are supposed to be heavenly places, right? And if they are full of allergens, especially in these pollen-rich times. Breathing in allergens is as easy as opening a door and letting them in. You may be wondering if your allergy symptoms will ever go away. Yes he will! Living without allergies is a real possibility. Knowing what allergens are present in your home and where they might be can help you minimize your exposure. These are some of the ways to keep allergies at home, read on.

Follow a basic cleaning routine.

Keep surfaces in your home clean and tidy. A tidy, tidy room is a good idea since that is where you will spend most of your time. Carpets should be avoided at all costs. If possible, avoid using carpets. Roller shades and washable blinds can replace traditional blinds and blinds.

Covers with a zip, allergenic or polycarbonate can be used for pillows, mattresses and box springs. Dust mites can be kept at bay with the help of these coatings. Wrapping mattresses is better than using air purifiers to minimize allergies. Do this once a week for your exposed bedding, stuffed animals, and pillows. Drying dust mites in a clothes dryer renders them inert.

use a vacuum cleaner

Allergic reactions can be minimized by regular vacuuming. Dirt can become trapped in the air when poor quality vacuums are used. Look for allergy and asthma certified vacuum cleaners. This makes these vacuum cleaners safe for allergy sufferers. Leave the house for a few hours after you finish cleaning.

Stop the spread of pet hair

People with allergies should avoid keeping dogs with fur or feathers, according to health care providers. There are no hypoallergenic pets. Pet dander, the dead skin cells of all animals, could be the cause of allergy symptoms in pets. The amount of allergenic proteins in animal hair is lower than in human hair. As a result, there may be fewer or no symptoms.

Your bedroom is not the ideal place for pets. When you're not home, keep your bedroom doors closed to keep dogs out. Cover the air vents with gauze to keep them from getting dirty. The most common type of animal allergy is the one that attaches to the skin. You should replace your pet's toys and bedding regularly.

cleaning outsourcing

If you have allergies, you must act. When cleaning your home, it's best to wear a face mask, hire a professional, or have a family member do it for you. According to Compass Tucson, a commercial cleaning company in Tucson , "vacuuming, dusting, and tidying stirs up dust, pollen, and pet dander, which can trigger allergic reactions in some people." Consult pollen season professionals to make sure your family is protected is.

Keep dust away

Dusters are great for dusting blinds, portraits, and other surfaces. The huge spikes don't protrude from the handle, but the spikes do an excellent job of removing dust. However, in the case of thick accumulations, it is necessary to vacuum or use a cloth. Also, use a feather duster about every two weeks.

Beware of grease in the kitchen

Cabinets near or above the stove, especially those that accumulate grease, are prone to this problem. You can use an orange oil cleaner or a simple dish soap to remove grease from your kitchen cabinets. Dish soap can remove oil from cabinets just like dishes.

Mix the combined liquid detergent with warm water. Test the solution on a small area first to make sure it won't damage the surface. Use a cold sponge and warm water to clean.

You can remove stubborn stains and deposits by mixing baking soda with water. Rub the area with a soft cloth.

Buy houseplants with the search

Allergy sufferers who live indoors are not exposed to the same pollen in spring and fall as they are outdoors. Laboratory research suggests that some can purify the air by absorbing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). On the other hand, plants can promote mold growth and dust accumulation. Household and environmental allergens can react with each other. This could indicate that the proteins that make you sneeze are present in both organisms. Integrating nature into your home requires experimentation.

Clean the pillows

After a hard day, it's always a pleasure to sink your head into a soft pillow.

What else is a pillow magnet? Microorganisms that live in the carpet or upholstery of the house. Dust mite feces are heavy on beds and pillows, which is awful. Washable pillowcases are essential. Like regular pillowcases, they need to be cleaned every three weeks. In some cases, the pillow can be washed and dry cleaned.

Bonus Tips

  • Prevent the spread of mold spores in your home. Make sure the kitchen, bathroom and other places exposed to a lot of water splashes stay dry. Mold can be reduced through a variety of methods, including:
  • Avoid running the shower before getting in the tub.
  • Dehumidifiers can be used to minimize mold and dust mites.
  • Monitor temperature and relative humidity with humidity sensors.
  • There are some plants you should stick with.
  • Make sure there are no leaks or wet spots.
  • If you notice mold on a surface, get rid of it as soon as possible. Wear a mask and clean the area weekly to prevent it from coming back.

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