
Two great tips from an expert to keep your tiles and carpets cleaner for longer

HOUSTON – As the owner of Up Front Home Services and a parent of fur babies, Joseph Pais knows a thing or two about keeping your floors cleaner longer...even if you have pets!

As for the carpets, Joseph says they want to get on with it as soon as possible. "Get a wet vacuum," he told Houston Life . With a wet vacuum you can quickly clean up and clean up animal damage before the dirt sinks into your carpet. Next, Joseph says he wants to spray the area with an enzyme to deter repeat offenders.

However, if you discover a secret location that your pets have frequented over time, you need to call in a professional. "As soon as it sucks. That's where you call," Joseph said. At UpFront Home Services, Joseph said they use special, professional-only technology to remove odors from pet waste.

When it comes to keeping your floor tiles looking shiny for longer, Joseph says the cleaner matters and using a product that leaves no residue is key. "Get a neutral floor cleaner. Like Zep ...or Stone Pro's Crystal Clean," he said. And if you're cleaning floors, Joseph recommends using this mop bucket, long known as the " Tik Tok Mop. " This is a mop bucket set that features a two-compartment bucket that separates dirty water from clean water.

Watch the full video above for more information on these handy cleaning tips. If you'd rather call in the experts, UpFront Homes Services has a special offer for Houston Life viewers where you can get a three-part carpet cleaning for just $90. Call her at 832.685.6253 or visit her online at UpfrontHomeServices.com .

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