
& # 39; You get what you pay for & # 39;: 5 things to know when a vacuum to buy

Ah, spring. It is a time that brings both allergies and cleaning pulses. Fortunately, a good vacuum can be used to help with the two!

But with more than 450 different models are, where you begin to understand what is best for you and your home?

To answer this question, we have discussed with the Sweet Home Liam McCabe, who recently published the results of more than 300 hours of research and testing of vacuum cleaners published over the past four years. Then shares some of the most important tips of their findings:

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, 1. Consider the type of soil Although this may seem obvious, says McCabe that some people - could put too much weight on this factor, but this is really important - it before including the investigation. "If you have bare ground, you do not need expensive high-end vacuum need," he said. "But if you carpet pile, you need to think of a different approach." In his research, McCabe and his team discovered that vacuum cleaners with heads with the best height adjustment to clean work for fluff. See Recommendation .

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.. 2 It consider the size of your home, if you live in a smaller house, cordless vacuum cleaners are handy "But it depends on the quality of the battery" on - he noted. "Look voltage - 18 to 20 is a good basis to get parts on the floor for the battery This gives you enough energy, I recommend taking something you would take 11 to 12 minutes for small apartments when ... has two floors with carpet, you probably have a plug-in, as they are the best cleaning agent for most, and do not have to worry about the battery life. " See recommendation of the small houses and big houses .

.. 3 Think about what you clean "There is nothing for vacuuming animal hair is inherently special," a -., Said, "but if you have carpet, you can definitely need a vacuum cleaner with a brush roll, if you a have a lot of animals with hair, is a field fill up quickly, so that a bagless one would make more sense. " See recommendation .

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4 .Remember you get what you pay for. McCabe recommends a minimum of $ 150 to spend in your new vacuum. "I know it's difficult for someone to understand a little when there is $ 50 $ 30 ones," he said, "but do not really want to skimp on something -. Please note that there air quality and is the only problem, really clean the carpet. "If you are willing to splurge, said that there are some very nice high-end cost of about $ 1200 400 $ 500 to $ but reasonably on the line only priced for a top which will last a long time without much maintenance other note:. take anther usually longer than bagless and are best for people with severe allergies. McCabe points out that even if you pay in advance and spare bags for sale "If you spend a lot, you can, pay for it -. Also, over the years," recommendation See for a cost-effective and high - level .

. 5. Do not forget that you can not fix, when a new vacuum cleaner purchase at this time is not possible, but it's on the fritz, McCabe reminds us that may - be a simple solution. "We had a writer on staff, who bought a vacuum, we tried and not found it after a few months is not working. I told him to take it to a repair shop vacuum, and the man moved only a shoe in a matter of seconds. " so, in other words, not to quickly get rid of their time. You might just need a little love.

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