
reduce 10 Tips indoor allergens: Spring cleaning

Spring is finally here! And after months of closed with the closed windows and heating jets, I'm happy to air the house at last. This is the perfect place for the warmer months to prepare and deliver at home all allergens inside with a thorough spring cleaning time.

The most common allergens that cause allergic reactions, asthma or eczema spells trigger outbreaks, are dust, faeces of house dust mites, animal dander, mold, cockroaches and food. The best way to prevent these reactions and to reduce is to eliminate these allergens from your environment.

Although allergens can be in your home anywhere, there are ways to maximize the impact of addressing the most common places where allergens lurk. To make the most efficient cleaning, I have to reduce my top tips together indoor allergens.


Clean Air

open window

Ideally, you should be your spring cleaning done early in the season, so you can open the windows and ventilate your home without leaving pollen. An air purifier indoor and an air purifier HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) house dust mites, plant spores, fungi and smoke also help capture particles of allergens such as pet dander, dust and dirt.

Cleaning carpets and rugs

carpet cleaning

The carpets are ideal for live dust mites, especially if it is a high or shaggy carpet. It is important to draw a week or more often if you have pets, but to the carpet dust and other allergens, professional steam cleaning is required every 12 to 18 months to completely remove. Do not waste your energy to do even as puddles and long drying time could cause problems served. Every six months, carpets should the outside be taken spacious and beaten with a broomstick.



How mites feed on dead skin cells on the mattress and bedding. Wash bed linen, duvets and blankets in hot water to kill dust mites, or freeze all non-washable linen night bed. Use mattress and pillow covers to minimize dust levels while you are in bed, if you have a pet, be sure to keep it to get out of bed the right technique to clean your pillows, click here .

Blinds and curtains

own businesses

We open and close the blinds and curtains every day, but are usually a little later in our regular cleaning routines. Spring is the perfect time for a thorough cleaning of window coverings to do to prepare sunshine for months and get fresh air. It is expected that the accumulation of dust on the blinds and curtains, but window coverings in the kitchen or dining room can also have food allergens or potentially harmful bacteria on the surface when they were touched with dirty hands. Clean the blinds with a damp cloth and, if possible, wash the curtains of hot water.

Fans and screen

clean ceiling fan

Ceiling fans, bathroom fans and blinds collect a lot of dust, pet dander and other allergens. Wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust. Never moved a dry cloth only use to dust mites.

Remove piles of "stuff"

Pile of clothes

Get rid of stacks of paper, clothing or magazines that have been overlooked at home. hiding cockroaches as in these cells, to give them a place where they can put the body parts, and let saliva and feces that can trigger asthma and allergies.

Monitor the humidity in your home

household mold

Use a moisture monitor is less than 50 percent at all times that the moisture to ensure in your house. Molds grow in high humidity and mold spores can trigger asthma or worse cause respiratory infections allergic reactions. Use to hold if necessary a dehumidifier low moisture levels in wetlands as a cellar. All visible mold should be cleaned with a solution of diluted vinegar to completely kill mold.

kitchen appliances

clean oven

Crumbs and spilled on or in the oven, toaster or microwave food can attract cockroaches. The best way to prevent an infestation of cockroaches is to ensure that you do not have any food sources, such as dirty and short food to surfaces. thoroughly clean the inside of the equipment and rooms around under and around them.

linen closet

linen closet

Some leaves are rarely out of the closet, what would be the ideal place gather mites. Empty your linen closet and wash everything in hot water to kill dust mites. Be sure to clean each shelf with a damp cloth, while your closet is empty.

Outdoor - Allergens

dog mat

It may surprise some, but pollen and other allergens allergic reactions can cause plants inside. Pollen can be carried home on clothing, shoes and pets. Thoroughly clean all carpets or rugs at the entrance of your home and make sure outdoor shoes stored away from your living room.

Pauline Osena is a lawyer and founder of the food - allergy HypeFoodie.com Online - Resource for hypoallergenic life. This former dairy addict became an expert in cooking for people with allergies, while finding ways to feed your child with multiple food allergies. Pauline aims to culinary adventures and experiments in his series inspire "An Anti-friendly makeover" and share the valuable knowledge during their trials, errors and adventure purchased with allergies food "allergy friendly Top live 10." short - term goals are Pauline always sleep all night and drink all your hot cup of coffee.

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