
appearance; Tips for home & # 39 cool: Spring clean your house

Spring Cleaning

(WTNH) - spring springs and there are some important things you should do every owner to cool your home. George Yost, owner of Yost Home Improvement in Waterford, worked in the industry of home improvement for more than 45 years. He shares some tips to update the look of your home.

A great way to brighten your home last winter gloomy man is to clean your windows. If you live near the coast, this is particularly important. Salin Bank can actually reach the houses to 5 miles on. The windows can be easily damaged by salt, if not cleaned regularly.

Yost also stressed the importance of clean your gutters. If your gutters do not function properly, it causes decay, deterioration and even share. Yost recommends cleaning gutters in the spring and autumn.

Look for ways to cool your home. Spray your plant pots, clean your lights and bulbs change.

For more information, see the video above - and for more information on Home Improvement Yost visit YostHomeImprovements.com or 860-442-8032 Call.

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