
catching cleaning allergies

If you or your family members have allergies or asthma, you probably know a lot of things can or explode trigger an attack. Some of the things that trigger it are allergens. Animal dander, cockroaches, dust mites, mold / mildew and pollen can trigger allergies or asthma. Some may cause only one thing; for the other, there are several.

Clean your home is one of the easiest steps you can take to reduce allergies or asthma. If it is not cleaned, build mold, dust and other allergens that aggravate asthma symptoms.

Cleaning the American Institute recommends these tips for cleaning and control of asthma and allergies in the home.

A bra can make all the difference in the lives of asthma. Work together, get rid of the triggers at home - if we all help can make all will be happier.

For people with asthma in the family, assign tasks, such as washing dishes and daily chaos cleaning before the powder is stored.

Against other tasks, such as dusting, cleaning or sweeping that may cause allergies or asthma, make sure that the person is probably out of the room.

follow and read label instructions on cleaning products. Policy labels provide the right amount of product to use, how to use the product and special safety tips.

When using spray products, spray the cleaner onto a cloth or sponge for the first time on the surface.

Do you own a "ventilated" area, open a door and a window or turn on a fan. Leave the room when the cleaning of the tube conducted and permit.

Try to use detergents which are odorless or smell.

Try different products to find the ones that work best for you.

Wash bedding weekly. Use pillows proof and dust mites special mattress covers.

Dust and vacuum weekly.

Sweep floors daily and weekly washing.

Clean up spills, crumbs and liquids counters and shelves immediately.

empty containers daily garbage, cleaned and disinfected every week.

Disposal or recycling shopping bags. Cockroaches can live in them.

Washing and / or put dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

clean kitchen and the table after dinner.

Regularly clean in and around the aircraft.

Order disorder. Start with one room and take all the cabinets, cupboards and shelves.

Separating the work with children and pull toys.

Clothing store.

Clean every room.

Clean surfaces and fourth floor of the room.

Keep things in place. Bring yourself and children, the things in place.

Put items in drawers, cabinets or boxes, so that dust can accumulate on them.

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