
Digital spring cleaning: 4 & # 39; Cybernetic Hygiene & # 39; Tips to ensure

Spring cleaning is not just throw old furniture and torn clothes: It's a good time to clean and make sure that it is protected from hackers your digital clutter.

This means that the evaluation of all your passwords - and change if you do not have long. You also need to update their software and online take inventory of your personal data on devices and.

A bit of "cyber hygiene" can go a long way to go to keep from identity theft and other Internet attacks. We already have some advice for common security for your smartphone and protect against the phishing - attacks . Now you can keep the rest of your digital life.


Check (and from) your password

The more long and complicated password that is difficult to guess for hackers. long and random combination of letters, numbers and other characters work best. Do not add any names, birthdays, or references to other personal information of their children, for the people in social networks. Trolls hackers regularly Facebook and Twitter for clues to passwords as - it is.

the obvious and standard passwords like "password123" are so bad, but experts say it is amazing how often they get used.

No matter how hard your password is cracked, it is important to at least to change every few months. And do not be to recycle old tries. More password sits around, it is more likely to fall into the wrong hands. You should also use for multiple sites the same password to avoid, so that the place the school PTA pirates break would lead to your online bank account.

the identification of a number of factors - the users have a second form of identification on their mobile phones, for example, enter as a code via text message asking - will offer additional services to offer protection.

I think too hard? Many experts recommend password manager services such as LastPass or Dashlane. They remember complex passwords for you - but you have to trust them. Last June LastPass revealed "suspicious activity" and said it users, their master - to change passwords.


A backup

There is a growing threat of ransomware, where a hacker blocked a threat to erase data if the owner does not pay. The attacks often come from malware that can click a link result in a phishing e-mail or fake online ads.

Because it has few resources, if this happens, it is more important than ever to back up your data.

You can automate this. Services such as Carbonite, you can back up your files continuously on the Internet for a monthly fee. Mac and Windows PCs come with tools for external disk backup. It's called Time Machine in Mac. In Windows 10, "Upgrade and security" can be seen in the configuration. In Windows 7, you try "System and Security" or "System and Maintenance". Be sure that the device disconnect after each backup, so that the malware is not as good slip on these copies.



When a new iPhone or an old PC, Software - Updates to repair for defects that might otherwise give hackers a way into the device. This applies not only for operating systems, but also for general applications, such as browsers and media players. Better yet, activate the automatic update feature that most software now comes with. Dump software is more current or more is used. These include Apple's QuickTime - Player for Windows, as Apple is no longer compatible , is there.

Do not forget your wireless router and the "Internet of Things" diverse devices such as Smart TVs and thermostats. While some devices can do this automatically, or let it be through a phone application, call for older devices the manufacturer's website.


The truth is that or not

Block your social networking accounts by limiting the messages only to their real friends. You can adjust the settings. However, it is assumed that everyone everywhere can see what is published - even if your audience is limited.

As mentioned above, personal treats can help hackers passwords easily decipher. You can also answer personal questions used allegedly to reset passwords for many services.

Beyond security, Facebook and Twitter are to be found among the top employers in search of a job candidate. You do not want anything distracting pop.

Woe to those who university for the advent of social networks visited. I bet you regretting all these car photos even stand now.



AP Video: https://youtu.be/v7LKcl1FlPw

AP advice on smart phones that ensure: http://apne.ws/1RWxo5o

The board of BP, avoid phishing: http://goo.gl/NZTldV


Follow Bree Fowler in https://twitter.com/APBreeFowler . His work is found in http://bigstory.ap.org/author/bree-fowler .

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