
Spring cleaning is applied to the body, as well as home

Magazines and other items at this time of the year abound, full of tips for the recycling and reuse -. Everything from clothing to housewares readers tips for easy cleaning of ceiling fans, windows and corners addressing rarely see pieces. No one doubts that it is healthy dust collector, nesting insects to remove germs - infested areas of our homes.

Yoga literature and philosophy, you will be surprised to learn, does the same. Proposals for detoxification, poses and smoothies recipes liver cleanse the pages of the Journal of Yoga, Mother Earth News fill and also Martha Stewart Living We clean our homes -. And we purify our mind and body, often use the same concepts.

To this end, the study of the practice of yoga Aparigraha calls or hoarding. What the idea of ​​"letting go" in Yoga differs, however, is the concept of emotional attachment as well as the equipment we do. Real "treasure" or just pick up, or as a writer, the yoga practitioners abandonment resist aparigraha requests to consider whether we own our possessions they have it. Equally important, is the question of what we our feelings and beliefs as though they were both substantive value?

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson wrote: "The spiritual life is to always let go, never try to hold on .." Professor of International Yoga and author Rolf Gates, in his book Meditation Mat (2002) quoted then says Peterson "No decision awarded cleaning, I continued to be angry, and continued to the truth to be "is that after a reasonable time are gathering to resentment and anger possession .. He amassed proposed goals" mad to put aside, our desires, our fears aside, we free ourselves ... "has cleaned again. Ready, as the Bible says, for the "new wine", because we threw the bottles, worn, no longer useful heavily aged.

Spiritual, mental, read and listen to, and to some extent absorb the idea that our views and can even change values. We have to accept quickly that we have learned from nature - a mother with her baby bird's nest pushing ever without him would survive. We see, feel - gentle and awful - the fire can be a blessing and a curse. The blessing of yoga, when it is practiced with acceptance that our natural body to inform the mind. We can "spring cleaning" and daily cleaning can.

One of the most effective and almost immediately, the agent is a mood of renewal is to provide our physical activity. The elimination of toxins in the blood flow deep and clean breathing is through the asanas or yoga postures.

Take for example the base rotates Yoga detoxification. There are several, but to squeeze every point and the kidneys and liver, stomach and colon massage. Try lying on your back on a yoga mat or beach towel, or even the carpet. Make sure that the spine is stretched and relaxed by the fingers on the wall stretching and the ends of the toes toward the opposite wall - like flying Superman, but in the back. Inhale and then exhale, keep your left leg abdomen. capture Carefully take through his body to the right, the front of the tibia with the hands and the knees. Keep face and soft neck. You can support your left arm at his side and easily place your right hand on the outside of the left knee, leaving a little more about your body. Not the left shoulder appeared blank. You do not need to harden the ground. Some resistance that will do not cause pain in the back. Breathe slowly and quietly for about three breaths. Take a full breath to return to her back and relax on the spine. Repeat on the opposite side, and pull his right knee to your chest exhale it through your body to the left. Again three breaths. Lie on your back for a relaxing breath.

A second rotation starts from this "seat" school student traditional crisscross, applesauce. Sit on the floor, perhaps with a pillow under your buttocks. Cross your legs at the ankle, so that your knees fall to the sides. inhale gently back shoulders. Place your left hand on your right knee and twist your torso to the right. Feel relax the abdomen and contract as you breathe three or four times. Do not bend forward. Return to center and place your right hand on your left knee. Breathe slowly and felt her shoulders relax and let your spine. Out with the old breath with the news. Let your feelings! Spring cleaning. , , completed.

January Dial Parker owner of Grace Yoga and can be reached at jpd1978@yahoo.com . She is also a columnist for the Alliance healthy United Way to be.

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