
Surprising 5 uses fresh Q-Tips, Yvette De stylist LaTonya

I held swab in a closet in the bathroom as long as I can remember. In fact, all bathrooms in each apartment or house that I lived in almost 30 years in this good land, equipped with a considerable reserve. My mother - and her mother before her - did the same, yes, yes, we can say that there is something of a tradition. But it also shows the reliability and flexibility of the product. Think about it - although the times and trends change, there are so many uses for Q-tips , they have familiar three generations of women enough to make them a staple in their homes. Today Q-tips to be as effective as usual. They are perfect for makeup, manicure, make home improvement projects, electronics cleaning, care for cuts and minor scratches and therefore both. If you have an object in mind, it is likely that a Q-tip could be useful.

Hustle in conjunction with Q-tips and LaTonya Yvette show five ways can be used for arts and crafts, parties, fashion design and cleanup projects. As a stylist and mother of two from Brooklyn, LaTonya on his blog , to explore issues related to the pregnancy, style, identity and full awareness. Often he described how their children live around them in the world, and encourages us to be so impressed with the little things as they are - to appreciate how the smallest details make life more beautiful.

And the following projects certainly illustrate how a small tool can make something amazing. Explore some - some of the possibilities, Q-tips can make life easier, modern, fun to make and special needs.

If you wear jewelry every day, chances are you could use a good cleaning. Use cotton swabs to ensure that you have all the nooks and crannies.

The next time you are planning a birthday party, use cotton swabs Polka balloons to paint to make it very special and memorable.

To toast very special champagne at a wedding, do you use cotton swabs , glue and glitter add festive moon glasses!

If the accessory that is not your thing, how easy it is to use cotton swabs to make your own beautiful scarf!

Some beauty pallets are the largest and do not always fit into the claws cute page. To the eye make - up touching on the street, some dip cotton swab into the shadows, it is to this day used - then tuck 'em in a bag, and you're good to go!

Watch the video stop motion of the machine in action!

Photos Lauren Perlstein

Make - up of Jamie Dorman

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