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So many have their thoughts preceded for summer days until spring cleaning ready.
But before smoking, before it mounted, these cleaning tips from experts refer Serena Calabretto Task Rabbit.
He advised List "to start your spring cleaning by doing make a list of things.
"Write everything down, even the smallest work.
"By keeping the list on the phone or use time-management applications, you can keep track of your purchases and check off tasks as you go.
Decluttering is the first step, and Serena said: "Life is much easier when you know exactly where to find everything.
"The fight against the anxiety caused by living in disorder and chaos 10-10-10 to take the challenge.
"Give yourself a ten identification disposable items to donate, ten, ten laid up in their own homes.
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"If you do not find a place to store a particular item to consider whether it is really something you need, and if not - am, donate or recycle"
If you feel overwhelmed, Serena recommended for the treatment of a piece at a time.
She said, "do a cleaning program and prioritize the most important tasks for each domain.
"Treat a certain time to finish and once you have this ticked from the list to stop.
"In order to do this every day."
Stain removal is often what spring cleaning begin and you want to remove the stains and marks that have been around the year.
Serena advised: "Make-up and Biro stains on your furniture can be removed with a damp cloth with hair spray and rubbing sprinkle generously from the tissue while coffee stains are very easy to clean with baking soda and water.
"If there is loss of pet hair on upholstery, microfibre cloth or wet rubber glove is easy to remove."
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Many believe that the purchase of any product a clean guarantee under the sun, but Serena House think this is not the case.
She revealed: "You can reduce costs by everyday objects in your home, such as cleaning agents.
"For example, citric acid in lemon water stains can around the taps in the kitchen and bathroom, while the vinegar, an antibacterial natural product, a useful window cleaning ingredient is disperse and eliminate calculations the shower head.
"Simply closing a plastic bag full of vinegar around the shower head that it is immersed in vinegar.
"Leave for an hour and say goodbye to the unpleasant accumulation.
"If you are from the bleach, you can even clean the toilet with a bottle of Coca-Cola.
"Pour stand the liquid into the bowl and let sit for about an hour.
"The combined acids decompose dirt, making it easy to clean the dirt."
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Now is the time, the walls and baseboards and remove stains and scratches is can refresh a room really shine.
Tips for the best cleaning method, Serena said, "a microfiber dust cloth or a soft brush on your vacuum use loose to remove dirt and cobwebs and use a damp sponge to clean the wall down.
"Begin. At the top of the wall and clean out the sections to the right and from top to bottom on the left, as you work through the space
"Use a dry cloth to wipe the excess moisture."
needs to be cleaned, the curtains are often another area that overlooked that really since they absorb malodorous odors which can cause discoloration.
Serena: "The soft brush can be used to remove dust and dirt daily.
"If odors are a problem, enter your curtains ventilation.
"Take it let cool track down and hang them on the clothesline for one to two hours.
"You can wash light curtains in the washing machine, while the curtains of sensitive materials must be washed to reduce the risk of shrinkage of the hand.
"When the curtains are made of heavier fabric, to avoid a long drying process with a steam cleaner to take dirt and stubborn stains."
The kitchen is an area which calls often used by poor food and equipment feels.
Serena advised: "We all know that the fight to look through the mess to locate wipe in the back of the kitchen drawers the rogue cheese grater or hidden.
"Take the opportunity to empty their closets!
"Remove to remove all the contents and shelves and drawers inside vacuum residues and the use of a multi-purpose spray for cleaning the inside, hinges and doors.
"Sodium bicarbonate is stubborn stains to fight at hand.
"If you are a little crazy trying to squeeze all the hardware on your kitchen cabinets in a small kitchen, for the disease to invest in smart storage solutions under control.
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"To save the use of a magnetic strip knife on the wall and save space in the drawers or perforated to mount all the accessories panel to keep."
The lighting can be a room and well worth taking a break or summoning to make the effort well.
Serena said, "Keep appliances, light bulbs and dust of windows is an easy way, the light shine let your home in all its glory.
"However, you should be so carefully done, and not while the lights are hot at or to use."
Finally, if you really have to fight to bring together experts.
Serena reveals: "There is a set of applications and services, on demand ordering as Task Rabbit, which allow you" in their local area to solve "object qualified search of the organizational tasks, professionals just do not have the time or the do skills. "
Serena told his cleaning tips on how Dr. Hilary shown how to reduce the symptoms of menopause .
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