
Spring Clean Food House

Spring Clean Food House

Spring is the perfect time is for storage, cleaning and organizing your feed space before the summer heat.

Photo: Alexandra Beckstett, horse Editor

For those of us in the mildest States, Spring Summer is fast. But for many trees defoliation and spring are still just arrived. No matter how far you are in the spring, there is something in this season, which require action. This is a great moment for the storage, cleaning and organizing summer the heat.

So what to put on the dock-list? The camera feed is to start a great service.

Feeding bins If you have free time trays, you probably have not been removed from the wall and washed all winter. Who knows what life behind them (only hope spiders!) But it's worth it and check for signs of rodent activity from them and give the area a good dusting. Check, plastic containers for the feed holes in memory because rat holes in the bottom of the container to chew. Washing with dilute bleach, but make sure they are dry before a food put into it.

If you have a system in which to create the vacuum bag is maintained empty feeders until the next bag is purchased. Why? Since the bag and a sticker with information about it important production information to tell. If there is a performance enhancement, you must provide this information to determine whether the large amount is influenced by food. Without the bag, there is no way to know, and no evidence. Additional information: Take a picture with your range of mobile phone day as the field of economic solutions.

Buckets- pests While you have to give the dilute bleach solution to disinfect all their power grids a good wash and maintain and keep brush, also.

Order by Supplements- supplements and make sure - that no one is past its expiration date. And maybe feeding your horse needs clean a spring ,! Take a moment to check the supplement ingredients and consider if it is unnecessary to double all the ingredients. Eliminate duplicate products is an easy way to your camera feed clutter that could save money and avoid supplements. Also, create a system to organize your supplements so that they are easy to find, and it is clear which horse they belong.

Horses make a measure power weight not volume has to be supplied, but often hear of horse owners who supply overloaded too long. But if you plan right, it weighs only once. Record using a box-shaped or cylindrical hub feed or a coffee tin and weigh on digital kitchen scales, zeroing consider scale the weight of the excavator. Then place a book (or how many feed your horse requires) or with a permanent marker and draw a line in the blade with the weight and type of food. Repeat this process for any type of food that you use, as they were initially able to accommodate various volumes. Must weigh the food again (unless you eating out) -Only the precut line and fill, voila, you know, a book (or the number you called) Food.

Let the water and rub drinkers troughs- both stalls and paddocks. Consider investing in goldfish for large troughs to help reduce algae. Better yet, you may be able to free mosquito fish from your local Cooperative Extension University. These fish feed on mosquito larvae, thus helping to keep the number of transmission of parasitic diseases.

Check salt and make sure that each horse has access to some form of salt. This could be a block, even though horses often better to use salt in bulk. Also check that the salt is clean. Would you like to lick a block that covers on the corner of chips or worse sitting?

It Barn- built Collect Extra - hay on the floor of the barn in winter. If this is a good grass, feed outside. If you smell mold, take it away. Hay own age can also be a large blanket on the floor of the barn make there is no way that new deliveries not placed directly on the floor of the barn. When placed on a white ball clay can absorb soil moisture and if you concreate fresh hay plant can cut more sweat moisture leading to mold growth.

If paddles to control the pile of broken pallets and replace hay or reduce the need for back risks. If you are responsible for feeding hay, it provides for the creation of a station where hay can be easily weighed before feeding. Even if you do constant diet for your horse is not only making sure to feed, but also allows you to plan the use of feed and buy accordingly, to be less likely to be lost.


Once you have given everything a good wash and ordered their attention to the maintenance organization turn. Here are some questions to ask when you create your file:

  • What if, God forbid, if you are not able and unable to reach the farm?
  • Does anyone know exactly what you prefabricated in this plastic mix every week?
  • How exactly what someone knows how your horse to feed in his unexpected absence?
  • What if you evacuate the barn in an emergency?
  • Do you know what your horse eats hay?

Often I have to feed Customers are not responsible for the part of the hay their horses and have no idea what kind of hay is fed less quantity. You need to know this information.

Learn One of the great lessons Pony Club members, is the maintenance of a record. Pony Clubber use this working paper overview of everything on the management of a horse to keep up with respect. This helps the Pony Clubber better understand the financial responsibility of horse ownership. Moreover, the danger exists at the highest levels of qualifications Pony Club creating a data set could see someone, and to take over the management of a horse. How could someone for you easily do this?

About the author

Clair Thunes, PhD

Clair Thunes, PhD, is an independent consultant equine nutrition Summit Equine Nutrition, based in Sacramento, California. She works with the owners / trainers and veterinarians in the United States and around the world to take from horse feeding the speculation. Born in England, he earned his degree at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and his teacher and doctor of nutrition at the University of California, Davis. Growing up, she took in a wide range of disciplines and has been an active member of the United Kingdom Pony Club. Today, it serves regional supervisor for the area of ​​Sierra Pacific USA Pony Club. As nutritionists, works with all competitors away horses and miniature donkeys anything.

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