
Mental spring cleaning tips with Mel Robbins

Now that the weather is finally getting warmer, we can free ourselves from the fog of hibernation and use our New Year's resolutions to initiate the changes we promised in January. "I will work more," they said. "I'll eat healthier and drink less," he whispered, sighing, but without remorse. "Maybe I'll go after the job I always wanted?" Well, what is stopping you?

We recently talked to Mel Robbins about the bestselling author of the popular self-help book "The 5 Second Rule" and the creator and presenter of the new original series "Kick Ass with Mel Robbins" about all the ways you can enjoy your new spring optimism. Change your life for the better , From here, many appearances on CNN in his TEDx talk , which have been seen millions of times, is the main goal of Robbins to get people to stop waiting and start. These are some of her tips to help you get out of your funk and make a serious mental cleanup of spring.

Spring cleaning tips with Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins

[Photo: Getty Images]

Do not sleep with your cellphone

If you leave your phone in front of your room during sleep, that may be a small step. But according to Mel Robbins, keeping your phone out of your room can be the most important and immediate change you can make to live a more productive life. If you keep the phone in bed, you risk 1. staying in bed longer when checking your various meals and places. 2.) Press the Repeat button again to create a mental state known as "sleep inertia". This is a mental illness that can seriously affect your productivity four hours after the end of the day. And finally, 3.) Checking your phone in bed, when you wake up, can lead to severe anxiety.

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"When you're in bed and looking at your phone," says Robbins, "it's a fear, FOMO, and you made a big mistake because you missed everyone's life and interests." In her brain, she advises you to leave your phone in another room during the night, so if you want to control it in the morning, you should try to get out of bed and find it first.

Register for group classes

We have all broken our desire to work more in the new year. But when you sign up for a group exercise such as CrossFit or a Spin class, you form a team to achieve a common goal. Once you have done it a few times, this kind of momentum will accompany you throughout the day and motivate you for your next lesson.

Of course, Robbins wants you to be realistic with yourself. We all know that working can be a disadvantage. "You will never want to do these things," he explains, "and that's normal, it's normal to feel doubt, it's normal to feel anxious." But stopping these things is the choice. I do not think you can imagine your path to a better life. I know that the only way to change lives is to act. "

For more helpful tips from Mel Robbin, visit audible.com/Mel_Robbins

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