
Simple spring cleaning

Summer time literally means the time that flows and comes with the spring cleaning. I've put together a list of my favorite cleaning products and some tips and tricks to use them. I've tried each one of them and found them for the task at hand, and almost everyone has them at home.

First, chlorine. I am a great admirer of bleaching, and personally I feel like a product that should be used in the kitchen and bathroom every time you cleanse. I know that there is a great deal of enthusiasm for holistic cleaning without aggressive chemicals. I understand, and I agree with the majority, but not with kitchens and bathrooms.

Then white vinegar. White vinegar is very versatile and beneficial. I use it in every load with my detergent and softener. I also use it to clean my washing machine between many clothes. Just fill your washer with hot water and four cups of vinegar and let it work normally. Cleans and disinfects naturally.

Now in baking soda. It is one of my favorites. It acts as a cleanser, deodorant and exfoliant. My grandmother taught me years ago to always have an open box on every shelf of your refrigerator, and you'll never have strange and mysterious smells.

Let's not forget the peroxide. Yes, you heard right, peroxide. Mix the peroxide and baking soda in your old baking trays and on the outside of the trays to make them look new. I also spray my mattresses and pillows with a mixture of peroxide, baking soda and white vinegar. Eliminates discoloration and odor.

Finally a newly found assistant, the bedding dries. I have a house with a ton of very nice original carpentry. I like it, but I despise cleanliness. I've found that cleaning your skirting boards and the upper part of the carpentry with dry cloths makes it easy to remove. The best part is that it acts like wax in the wood and the powder dries once it's done.

Now is the time to open our windows a long, cold winter and let the fresh air in. But what we get are dirty screens and sometimes a musty smell. Try this trick: you need a lint roller, two spray bottles, four cups of hot water, four teaspoons of baking soda, and ten drops of your favorite antimicrobial essential oil. I recommend cloves, cinnamon, laurel and thyme.

Divide the water into the bottles; Add the baking powder in a bottle. Put the oil in the other bottle. Shake and let the baking powder dissolve. Wait for the water to reach room temperature. Wait for the water to cool. Use your lint roller to run on your screen. Next, spray the soda water on all your screens. This will dissolve all the dirt and dust. Then, once dry, spray the essential oil and water bottle on all your screens. This will keep your screens with an incredible smell. Spray the oil solution as often as you want. I like doing it every day.

Enjoy this cleaning time in your home. Let in fresh air. It will not be long before we close the doors and wait for spring.

The LifeSpan Center is located at 11021 E. County Road 800N, Charleston. The phone number is 217-639-5150. Visit us every day at 12 noon for "Lunch at LifeSpan".

Peace Meals, sponsored by the Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, serves a recommended donation of $ 3.50 from Monday through Friday. To register, book a lunch, or receive more information, call 217-345-1800.

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