

Everyone can have that mood when it's hard to get to work (especially on Fridays!). And even more often, employees who like to talk, disturb social networks and games. And the work at that moment remains immobile. How can you shake and start doing important things? Such a state of laziness can be yours not only at work, but also at home. Out of laziness, you continue to sit on the screen instead of cleaning the apartment, and instead of preparing a healthy dinner for your family, cook meatballs. Here are 6 tips to help you make your day productive.

1. Clean first. He noticed that the order was always perfect on his desk in the morning, but during the day many documents, unnecessary papers, pens and coffee cups appeared there. If you feel like you do not want to work, you have to put it on the table first. You may not even notice that, but unnecessary things distract you from the work and cleaning often clears your mind. Even at home you should start cleaning if you do not want to do anything. For example, wash the dishes, take out the trash cans, make the bed. Very often, when the process has already begun, it is very difficult to stop it before it is finished.

2. You have to start with little things. We are often told that we have to start with the most difficult things so that they do not get along, but when it comes to difficult situations, we do it right away. Experience reduces productivity. In the morning you do some things. For example: book at the table or write a daily schedule. If you find that you have already done something for today, your mood will improve immediately and you can focus on more complex topics. But do not get carried away, 2-3 cases will be enough, otherwise it will spend the whole day meaningless.

3. Select a task. Well, you have warmed up a bit. The essential thing is to continue with the same spirit. To avoid being distracted by social networks and other websites, simply disable them. You have to make sure that nothing prevents you from working. Now choose a task, write it on a piece of paper, stick it in a prominent place and start with it. When you're done, write the following task and do not be distracted. Hostel Rostov House 400 r. Cozy hostel in the center of Rostov-on-Don, all amenities, Wi-Fi, kitchen, laundry, TV. Remapping the native ad

4. Change the workplace Often your workplace is long and unproductive. Nearby there are colleagues who like to talk and do not let you work productively. You should try to change places, for example to go to another room or walk down the street while thinking about your work schedule. When you're home, a regular walk will help you, or you can shop at the store, and when you return home you already have an action plan ready. It's as if the Czechs are changing jobs in Germany . This factor gives them a good level of productivity. But whether in Germany or Finland, every scene change brings additional work.

5. Setting the timer You define the task yourself. Set the timer to 15 minutes and immerse yourself in your task at this time. Immediately promise that you will be distracted by nothing for a quarter of an hour and then be able to relax. You'll be pleasantly surprised to find that you can do a lot in just 15 minutes, even if you need 3 hours or even 3 days to complete the task. If you understand that, inspiration will pop up and the work will go even faster.

6. The glass is half full Maybe you do a little work in one day, but do not try to despair. Look at what you have done and give yourself the word that you will do more tomorrow, or even better make a plan for tomorrow, in which you state all the cases and promise to end them.

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