
10 tips for washing your own car

There is a science to wash a car. If you did not know, read on as we give you ten tips on how to wash your own vehicles. Sometimes we think that the money we pay for cleaning our car is too high, and we would prefer to do it ourselves.

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If your car has not been professionally cleaned for a long time, you may not want to use it there. However, if you have a new car and believe that washing the car will scratch the new bright paint, let us do it ourselves.

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10 What is available?

First let's look at the available resources. Let's go? Do you have buckets and cloths, sponges and rags? Do you have a hose that is long enough not to run and fill the bucket with water? Check if the garage or shed has a high pressure washer or a high pressure washer .

As you do this, you will learn how to set it up and use it, it should save a lot of water, but also protect the environment when you clean our cars. Discover car waxes, car wash soaps, polished surfaces, shiny tires and other products for your car.

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9 Where should the car be washed?

First, you should never wash the car under the bright and warm sun . This would cook the soap and the foam, which would make it harder to rinse off and not work in the sun.

Second, the location depends on the materials you have found. If you have found a long pipe, choose a shaded area to park the car. If you have pressurized water, choose a location like the front yard where you can wet the area well. Remember that the weather will be wet. Choose it wisely to avoid unwanted damage to your or your neighbor's property.


8 What you need and should never use

This is especially important if you are one of those lucky ducks with a new car. Never use old products that belong to a father or grandfather. The absence of an expiration date does not mean that it is good for the next hundred years. Choose cloths with fabrics that will not scratch the shiny surface of the new car.

Wash thoroughly after use as the dirt may scratch the car during next use if not properly cleaned. But if you wash your old, trusted tent, get those old shirts and clothes and use them again. The old jeans are perfect for cleaning the muddy parts of the belly of the car.

7 dice and your new best friends

Of all the materials he has collected, he will mainly use buckets and sponges. You will be your new best friends when you wash your own cars. Sponges foam more than normal towels and absorb more fluid, making them more effective.

It can reach surfaces that towels can not reach. They can crush them and they will return to their original form. You can use buckets to save water and make your car's life easier. Have at least two buckets ready, one for soap and one for water, so you can rinse quickly.

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6 What first, secondly, third to wash .....

Let's wash the car now . Get the roof first, if it's a bigger car, you may have to get up a bit. First apply with water and then with soap. It's perfect for making the whole car look white and shiny. The roof , then the hood, then reaches the side of the car.

Work to the chest and then to the other side. Finish with the grill and then the wheels. Change the cloths (old jeans) if you clean heavily soiled parts such as the inside of the bibs and the inside of the wheels. Then continue with the next procedure.

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5 Get these stealthy spaces

The belly of the animal is the dirtiest part of the car. Do not use this microfiber cloth for these parts. Wear old clothes, additional bucket makes sense here. A separate bucket for jeans cloth and dirty soap and a bucket for cleaning and wiping.

Get those sneaky cracks in the trunk and grill. To the door handle and the room in the car, in which the door should be, when it is open. Clean the magnetic wheels, the sponge works best here. Of course, remember that all surgical procedures are done on the vehicle's emblem.


4 drying and nit picking

After thoroughly cleaning the car, it's time to dry it. Drive once or twice around the block and let nature run its course. Of course it will dry naturally, gravity takes good care of us, you know. But let us help speed up the process.

As you dry, you will also see some dirty spots that you have overlooked. Prepare these buckets again for a quick soap and rinse. Get these super absorbent towels to dry the car faster. There are many dry cloths on Amazon , choose the best, especially if you are this lucky duck, haha!

3 Grow the car

If you plan to grow the car, first dry it completely. However, some car waxes are perfect for wet surfaces . So check your product. If this is your first time, you can proceed slowly and avoid buying the best car wax product.

First, let's try to find the one that is reliable and cheaper, so you do not regret it when something goes wrong and you can not use it anymore. Or if washing your own car is too difficult for you, you can use the cheapest car wax.


2 final touches

Now he has finished waxing the whole car, but it seems incomplete. It seems to be new, as the label says . Sometimes the paintwork of the car is too old, or you have to finish it with another product. Yes, that's the way it is.

If you are used to washing and growing your car, you can buy other products to give your car a lasting shine. The tires shine to blacken your wheels, waxes and liquid all-purpose waxes that work well in windows and upholstery. Let's also clean the inside of the car. Remove dirt from the plate and windows from the inside.

1 Enjoy and compare

Give yourself a pat on the back, you've made it! Take now have a minute and enjoy what you have done. Good work! Then, reckon and add everything you've bought for this new activity and then the time you spend with it. Multiply this by the number of times you wash the car each year.

Then compare it to a year of car wash and fuel consumption rides. If it pays, you have a new hobby. Otherwise, you will receive a subscription to your favorite car wash. But it is good to know that you can wash your car and it is invaluable.

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