
Tomato sauce could be the solution to clean rusty furniture clean

Ketchup cleaning tip for metal stools
A quick ketchup peel can remove rust and water stains (Image: Facebook)

We've all seen food products act as cleansers ... which often makes us wonder what these things do to us ( Coca-Cola, we're watching you ).

Multifunction tools are attractive, whether it is a bath that cleans fat trays or stone pumice hair pulling animal rug .

The last trick (though it has been around for some time) uses ketchup to remove rust and other stains on steel furniture.

The pictures of Facebook user Jo Nichol show a chair before and after rubbing with tomato sauce.

The trick shared by Ms. Hinch's Facebook group cleaning advice collected 1,200 likes and over 5,000 comments.

In his article, Jo wrote: "Before and after the ketchup, five minutes of work, unbelievable."

People have described the journey as amazing and enlightening.

Breakfast stool covered with rust and stains.
Before (Photo: Facebook)

Some people worried about eating something that could clean the steel and said, "Do not you think about what ketchup does to our stomach?" And are you "worried" about what we put into our bodies?



One person claimed that the spice was generally useful for cleaning and explained, "Tomato sauce is also suitable for cleaning sewers in stainless steel sinks."

Clean and bright kitchen stool after a ketchup peeling
And then (Photo: Facebook)

So what about the red substance that makes it a good product?

The tomato sauce has an acetic acid content of about 4%, which results from the vinegar used in the recipe. Its high viscosity makes it ideal for the gloss of brass, copper and silver.

It is also recommended as a conditioner for blondes whose hair turns green after swimming in a chlorine-containing pool.

Award-winning hairdresser Charles Worthington said the team effectively neutralized the green effect .

It turns out that ketchup is not just about beating fleas.

ADDITIONALLY: Bleach your shoes with this cleaning bottle with a blade and a nail polish remover

MORE: Mama says that this 17p Cola Cleaner trick completely removes grease stains from clothing

FOLLOW: A man shares his genius to clean the bathroom joints with a drill



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