
5 tips for new mothers

(Photo credit: Shutterstock.com / fizkes)

You are preparing to become a new mom and you don't know what to expect. Motherhood is by far the toughest job and we are often too obsessed with being a super mom. However, keeping these things in mind can make the experience a little easier.

  1. You know what's best for your baby. Let's face it, you will receive a lot of unsolicited advice. Listen to your friends and family, but remember that every baby is different and every experience is different. Along the way, learn more about your baby and what works for them.
  2. There is no rule book, be kind to yourself - a baby cannot be learned like SATs. There really is no right or wrong way to care for your baby. When you start teaching your child, do what works best for you and your baby.
  1. Give your mom time and practice self-care: Motherhood can be overwhelming and affect your mental health if you don't get enough sleep, feed her frequently, and change a million diapers. It's okay, and it's very important that you take a moment, whether you're doing your nails or just taking a walk.
  2. Sleep whenever you can - lack of sleep can be exhausting. Until you and your baby have a schedule and he or she gets a little older and sleeps more at night, sleep whenever the opportunity presents itself.
  3. Remember to Eat and Drink Plenty of Water - When in Baby Mode, everything is about your baby and it's easy to forget to feed. Make sure to eat as much as possible and stay hydrated, especially if you are breastfeeding, as this will increase your milk supply.
  4. You don't have to clean everything - Gone are the days when you were a cured monster. You can leave clothes on the couch that haven't been folded in days and there may be more dirty dishes in the sink than you'd like. Relax and go if you can. The baby's needs come first.

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