Most of California is currently in a drought emergency . Are you looking for ways to save water at home? Here are some tips and more information about discounts, coupons, and freebies.

Interior protection:

Conservation outdoors:

  • Water your lawn between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. to reduce evaporation.
  • Install watering timers to prevent overwatering.
  • Eliminate water runoff from sidewalks.
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean the outdoor patios and decks.
  • Cover your pool to reduce evaporation. CCWD offers discounts on pool covers.
  • Compost or mulch (vouchers available from EBMUD and CCWD ).
  • Change the landscape for native plants or low water usage.
  • Install a rainwater harvesting system . You may receive discounts on garden and irrigation conversions through SCVWA , EBMUD, and CCWD .

More tips:

Source: District Regional Water Santa Clara Valley, District East Bay Municipal Services and water district Contra Costa . Visit their websites for more resources.

Do you have any helpful tips on how to save water? Let us know!