
These 4 tips will help stronger men build muscle without gaining weight

In a new video on his YouTuber channel, strength coach Eugene Teo shares his best tips and mistakes to avoid getting past weight plateaus and gaining size when you are a tough winner without necessarily gaining a lot of fat.

Avoid "Junk Volume"

"The unwanted volume is all that's adding to your fatigue, but it's not helping your workout," says Teo. "Whether in the form of too many sentences or in the form of ineffective exercises, too many exercises or too many sessions in a training week, it is the same: too much work."

While there is no definitive and universal answer to how many different sets or exercises you should do, Teo admits that the general consensus seems to be 10 to 20 sets per body part per week.

Track your diet

"When it comes to fat loss, people are pretty good at keeping track of what they are eating, to a certain extent, to make sure they are not overeating," says Teo. "But as you build muscle, people get lazy and just start eating more without planning or feeling how they are feeling. But if you log in for a couple of weeks, it's quite common for these people to eat. or even lower in some type of deficit. "

Don't Rely on "Healthy Eating"

"There is no clean or dirty food and there is no good or bad food," says Teo. "There are only foods that have more and less calories, more nutrients and fiber, or less, foods you like or dislike." Explain that you don't need to eat just a few "clean" staples like chicken breast, sweet potato, or oatmeal. There is a "sweet spot" between the extremes that you have to define yourself according to your own goals and preferences.

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Sufficient recovery

Sleep, stress management, and general lifestyle habits are extremely important factors in your body's ability to rest and recover between workouts. "If your body is not getting enough sleep or is under chronic stress, it will affect your ability to handle significant amounts of exercise volume and slow your ability to build muscle, as if your brain is constantly trying to deal with this stress response as this valuable one and redirect limited resources to building muscle mass, "says Teo.

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