
How to properly clean a MacBook screen

It's not an Apple secret   Develops your MacBooks to be durable and reliable devices. However , this does not mean that they cannot be serviced from time to time. In particular, it's a good idea to keep a MacBook screen as clean as possible.

This rule applies to all MacBook models sold by Apple. Do you have a simple MacBook Air that is occasionally used for web surfing and online training? Your screen needs cleaning. Are you using a dedicated MacBook Pro for intensive video editing? It also needs to be cleaned. No Mac user is exempt from good hygiene, and cleaning a MacBook screen is one of the most important rules in the book.

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With that being said, let's move on to cleaning the MacBook screen. As per Apple's instructions, the first thing you need to do is make sure the MacBook is turned off and unplugged from the charging cable. Then dampen a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. Wipe the screen with the cloth until it looks good, and voila! While the process itself is pretty straightforward, there are a few things to consider before cleaning. Above all, only use water to dampen the cloth. Do not use glass cleaners, aerosols, acetone, or other cleaning solutions. Also, do not use a spray bottle to spray water directly on the screen. As Apple points out, this can potentially cause water to seep behind the screen and damage internal components.

Benefits of cleaning your MacBook screen regularly

Apple Mac Pro

It can be easy to go weeks or months without cleaning a MacBook screen , but it's worth it for users who can get into the habit of doing it on a regular basis. For one, it's an easy way to remove germs, dust, and other debris from your MacBook. Especially given the increased awareness of how to properly disinfect things over the past year, it is a good idea to keep the screen on this MacBook sharp.

Perhaps more importantly to some users, a dirty MacBook screen can lead to a worse laptop experience. A dirty screen full of smudges and grime can quickly worsen anything on the screen, which is not ideal for watching movies, editing photos, or other purposes. Properly cleaning a MacBook screen only takes a few minutes. Once this is done, the benefits are immediately apparent.

Next: How to Reset a MacBook Before Selling or Updating it

Source: Apple

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