
Tattoo Care: Everything You Need to Know About Taking Care of Your New Ink

Since tattoos sincere mother and daughter to tattoo art are watercolor and reconstructive tattoos after surgery, there are many reasons to get a tattoo, all valid. But if you want your tattoo to look fresh long after it's applied, it's important to follow proper aftercare guidelines.

Why is tattoo tracking important?

According to the New York tattooist Ghinko residing in Bang Bang Tattoo aftercare of the tattoo is as important as the care of the skin . "Just as we take special care of our face to keep it hydrated and healthy, you also need to moisturize, put on sunscreen and exfoliate your body so that the tattoos blend in well with your skin. Skin and aging, "he explains.

What's the best way to care for a new tattoo?

  • For now, keep it wrapped up. When you get a tattoo, the artist often wraps it in plastic wrap to protect it for the first few days to keep bacteria out and avoid chafing. "Depending on the size and recommendation of the artist, you have to wrap your tattoo in cling film for one to three days," says Ghinko.
  • Apply sunscreen carefully. Avoid direct sunlight for the first month after your tattoo and apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to your tattoo every time you are in the sun to prevent fading.
  • Find a balanced fluid intake. Listen to your tattoo artist and apply soothing products and creams that will reduce itching, scarring, and tissue damage. Moisturize your skin to speed the healing process.
  • Apply occlusive lightly. "People tend to put on aquaphor or healing creams too much , but you should always apply one thin layer at a time so your skin can breathe, too," says Ghinko.
  • Handle it with care. "Treat a new tattoo like new stitches," says Ghinko. "Always with Tranquillity."

    What should n't be done after a tattoo?

    • Drink alcohol excessively. Ghinko advises not to drink too much before or after getting a tattoo. This is because alcohol thins the blood, which can cause it to bleed more than normal during the tattooing and healing process.
    • To go swimming. " Exposing a new tattoo to a pool or lake ... it can cause irritation and infection," explains Ghinko. Avoid swimming for two to four weeks after getting a tattoo.
    • Sunbathing. For the first month after your tattoo, avoid exposure to the sun to avoid discoloration and color distortion.
    • Hydrate excessively . A little moisture is important, but according to Ghinko, it's also important to let the skin breathe while it heals.
    • Scratching . Tattoos tend to itch as they heal, but resist the urge to scratch, which can irritate or tear the skin. Instead, Ghinko says to hit him lightly.

      What Are the Best Tattoo Aftercare Products?

      • Aquaphor healing ointment . For best results, apply a thin layer to the skin two to three times a day for the first few days after the tattoo and massage in thoroughly.
      • A + D Skin Protector first aid ointment . This is another pomade that is best applied in a thin layer two to three times a day for the first few days after the tattoo.
      • Hustle Butter Deluxe Tattoo care and nourishing cream . This cream is specially formulated for tattoos and can be applied two to three times a day until your new tattoo has healed, and can also be used beyond that to moisturize your tattoo.
      • EltaMD UV Restore SPF 40 . UV light fades tattoos, so it is important to protect them from the sun's rays. Apply sunscreen to your ink every two hours, not just for the first few months after a new tattoo, but every day.

        How long does it take for a tattoo to heal?

        Ghinko says it really depends on the size and maintenance of the cold ink, but you can expect a tattoo to heal in two to three weeks . Don't worry about the strange healing phases that can happen in between. "Larger tattoos tend to be very itchy during the peeling phase," says Ghinko. It is normal for tattoos to peel or peel off in the first week or two after tattooing. Just be careful not to attack them.

        What if my tattoo gets infected?

        With proper care and a reputable artist, you should be able to avoid infections, but that doesn't mean they don't happen infrequently. If you think your tattoo is infected , see a doctor right away . Signs that it is time to see your doctor: fever, chills, pus from the tattoo, red lesions or streaks, and raised skin around the tattoo.

        How do I care for my tattoo in the long term?

        Sun protection is the most important aspect of tattoo aftercare. "Just as you care for your face to keep your skin young, you should do the same with the skin that contains your tattoos," says Ghinko. "For long-term care you should always use sunscreen with tattoos ." If your tattoo starts to fade or warp, keep in mind that you can always touch it up.

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