
Why can sharing headphones be the cause of uncomfortable ear acne?

  • Listen Breakouts can be caused by wearing hearing aids, sharing hearing aids, and too much wax.
  • Use an antibacterial ointment for treatment and clean your ears regularly.
  • Be very gentle when treating an ear button because too much emphasis can damage your inner ear.

Pimples can appear almost anywhere on your body , including the inside of your ear. There are many reasons you may have a pimple on your ear such as: B. sharing headphones or not cleaning ear wax.

The good news is that you can often use antibacterial products to treat a pimple at home. But for some pimples, you may need to see a doctor.

What causes pimples in the ears?

Like everything acne Ear pimples can be caused by clogged hair follicles or invading bacteria. Here are some of the most common ways to get pimples in your ears:
  • Use headphones. The headphones fit in your ear and press against the skin of your ear canal. This can clog the hair follicles in the ear and trap dirt and bacteria. Because the inside of the ear is a warm and humid environment, acne-causing bacteria thrive there, says Lauren Levy, MD , a state-certified dermatologist and acne specialist in her own practice.
  • Share headphones. If you share headphones, you can also be exposed to increasing numbers of new types of bacteria that can aggravate outbreaks , says Robert Anolik, MD , a certified dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology . "If you need to use shared headphones, wipe them with an alcohol swab or an antibacterial wipe," advises Levy.
  • Have too much wax. Wax can also clog the pores in your ears, explains Anolik. If earwax not every time cleaned is when it accumulates, this can lead to pimple outbreaks in the ears.

How to treat a pimple on the ear

  • Prescription Drugs: "Sometimes large, painful pimples may require a prescription antibiotic ointment or even an oral antibiotic," says Levy. Some antibiotics that a dermatologist can prescribe include ofloxacin.
  • Steroids - Your dermatologist can also inject an anti-inflammatory steroid, such as cortisone, into the pimple to help reduce inflammation. "Usually pimples and pain go away in about 24 hours," says Levy.

Pay special attention to pimples in the ears.

Since your ear canal leads directly to your sensitive inner ear, it's important to handle your pickles carefully.

"Don't be too aggressive with ear acne. If they break out and become infected, it can lead to external and internal ear infections," says Anolik. That means you don't have to prick your pimple with household tools, says Levy.

Note: Inner ear infections can be painful and, in some cases, temporarily or permanently affect your hearing.


If the pimple in your ear becomes larger and more painful over time, see a state-approved dermatologist as soon as possible. It could be a sign of a bacterial skin infection or a build-up of pus, Levy says.

Findings from insider trading

Pimples in the ears are an uncomfortable form of acne that can be triggered by wearing hearing aids, sharing hearing aids, or not cleaning the oil and wax from your ear. There are ways to treat ear pimples at home, for example with antibacterial products or a warm compress. However, in some cases, you may need to see a doctor to treat pimples with antibiotics.

If a pimple on the ear is extremely painful or continues to get worse, see a dermatologist as soon as possible.

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