
Cleaning: Hinch fan shares 'magic trick' to keep curtains clean and dust-free | Express.de

Sophie Hincliffe, known as Ms. Hinch, is the social media sensation for her tips. With now more than four million followers on Instagram, influential fans used special Facebook pages to share their cleaning tips.

Another comment was: "I tried this the other day ... great job!

However, others were unsure how to clean the blinds with fabric softener and said they could get dirty.

One woman said, "It's not complicated. I dilute some fabric softener and spray it on the screen before cleaning it with a duster.

"Just don't dilute too much, otherwise it won't have the same effect. I know people who do that with detergent too. The house will smell nice.

They can be used dry by cleaning each bar with the sheets.

Ms. Hinch also recently revealed that she uses dryer sheets to disinfect her blinds with some zoflora.

One woman recommended the use of baby oil because dust build-up easily sticks to the product.

The comment read, "I use diluted baby oil before wiping it off with a damp cloth. Be careful not to dilute it too much, but at the same time, you shouldn't use pure baby oil as it could get you dirty.

The woman said she put the baby oil in a spray bottle to make it easier to spray the blinds.

She added, "Wipe them with a damp cloth and disinfect them if you want. You can let them dry naturally or grind them with a feather duster.

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